Who's Who in the DC Universe | ![]() |
The Who's Who entries are listed in alphabetical order after character name followed by their real name. Generally the most common version of their names is used (i.e. Lex Luthor rather than Alexander Luthor) in the listing.
Gods and characters that do not have a known secret identity but belong to a group might have the group name noted in brackets after the character name to distinguish the character from other similar named characters.
In some cases also a comic age/timeline/Earth indication. Regular names are listed first name first, surname second.
Pages in category "Villains"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 4,095 total.
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- A
- A'monn A'mokk
- A'morr
- A'rie (Flutter) (Earth-247)
- A-Mind
- A-Mortal
- Aaron Bodine
- Aaron Caldwell
- Abattoir (Arnold Etchison)
- Aberration
- Able Crown
- Abra Kadabra
- Abraham Lincoln Carlyle
- Abraxis
- Absence (Una Nemo)
- Absin
- Abu-Gita
- Abysmus
- Abyss
- Abyss (Earth-247)
- Acarinus
- Accampo Tor'mn
- Ace of Spades
- Ace of Spades (Ernie Clay)
- Ace of Spades III
- Ace of Spades Killer
- Acidia
- Acolyte
- Acrobat
- Acrobat II
- Actuary
- Adam II
- Adeline Wilson
- Adeline Wilson (Prime Earth)
- Adjudicator (Pre-Crisis)
- Administer Lash
- Admiral Strom
- Admiral Trafalgo (Grober Trafalgo)
- Adora of Heart's Desire
- Advance Man
- Adversary (Cary Richards)
- Aegeus (Nikos Aegeus)
- Aella
- Aerialist (Otto Fisher)
- Aftermath
- Agamemno
- Agarushnawokliag
- Agent "!" (Malcolm)
- Agent Axis
- Agent Axis (Earth-2 - Pre-Crisis Multiverse)
- Agent If
- Agent Mycroft
- Agent Orange II
- Agni
- Ahk-Orrd
- Ahk-Ton
- Air (Gary Johnson)
- Airstryke (William Kavanagh)
- Al Magone
- Alan Windsor
- Alaric
- Alastor Aghini Faud
- Alchemist (Curtis Engstrom)
- Alchemist (Fenton Keene)
- Alchemist (Zobar Zodiak)
- Alchemo (DC One Million)
- Alcmaeon (Michael Lysander)
- Alexander Luthor, Jr. (Earth-3 - Pre-Crisis Multiverse)
- Alexander Quirk
- Alexander the Great
- Alexandra Kosov
- Algon
- Alias the Blur (Ilse Krauss)
- Alice (Elizabeth Kane)
- Alien X
- Alien-Ator
- Alistair Bendel-White
- Alkyone
- Allegra Garcia
- Allergent (Maxwell Veezey)
- Alloy 12 (Sue Barnett 12)
- Ally Babble
- Alpha, the Experimental Man
- Alter (Benjamin Carroll)
- Aluminum
- Aluminum (Metal Men II)
- Alux Cuspin (Earth-247)
- Alva Xar
- Amalak
- Amalak (Pre-Crisis)
- Amalgam (Doc Bundy)
- Amalgamax (Xan)
- Amanda Beckett
- Amanda McCoy
- Amanda Spence
- Amazing Grace
- Amazing Man (Rocker Bonn)
- Amazo
- Amen-Hotep
- America Smasher
- Americommando (David)
- Ammo
- Amok
- Amon Sur
- Amorpho
- Amos Fortune
- Amos Sharkey
- Ampa Nnn
- Amun
- An Ryd
- Anachronos (Walker Gabriel)
- Anakronus
- Anarchist (Simon Elis)
- Anarky (Ulysses Hadrian Armstrong)
- Anathema
- Anatol Mykros
- Andar Pul
- André LeBlanc
- Angel Lupo
- Angle Man (Angelo Bend)
- Angle Man (Angelo Bend) (Pre-Crisis)
- Anglette
- Angon
- Angry Wizard
- Angstrom (Joseph Anst)
- Anguish
- Animal (Alberto Tontini)
- Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man (Sven Larsen)
- Anisa
- Anna-Marie Vere
- Annihilator (Kenneth Anderson)
- Anointed One
- Anomaly
- Anomaly (O.T.A.C. 13)
- Answer (Mike Patten)
- Ant-Man (Jumbo Carson)
- Antaeus
- Antagonist
- Anthis
- Anthony Ivo
- Anthony Scarapelli
- Anthony Zucco
- Anti-Hero
- Anti-Life Entity
- Anti-Matter Man
- Anti-Monitor (Mobius)
- Antipathy
- Antiphon
- Antithesis
- Anton Halkor
- Anton Musenda
- Antonio Sazia
- Ape II
- Apeface
- Apollo (Tal Obrin)
- Appa Ali Apsa
- Aquaman (Arthur Curry) (Earth-63 - Infinite Multiverse)
- Aquaman (Arthur Curry) (Flashpoint)
- Aquarius
- Ar-Ual
- Arak the Wind Walker
- Archer Braun
- Architect (Zachary Gate)
- Archor the Sustainer
- Arclight (Noah Pasternetti)
- Argh!yle!
- Argus
- Ariadne
- Ark (Dark Multiverse)
- Arkillo
- Arma Getten
- Armek
- Armor Beast
- Armordillo (Earth-26 - New 52 Multiverse)
- Arnold Flass
- Arns (Earth-247)
- Arrow (Earth-247)
- Arsenal
- Arsenal (Evil Eight)
- Arsenal (Nicholas Galtry)
- Arson Fiend (George Tweedle)
- Artemis (Female Furies)
- Arthur Gordon Pym
- Arthur Pemberton
- Arthur Villain
- Artillery (Thomas Jarrod)
- Ashez
- Askana
- Asp (Wong Fon Shay)
- Assassin Lad (Snipe)
- Astarte
- Astralad (Joey Silver)
- Astrild Storm-Daughter
- Athena (Celia Kazantkakis)