Created by Judd Winick and Charlie Adlard |
Occupation: Sinestro Corps soldier, former Magnate Commander of the Black Circle
Status: Deceased
Homeworld: Ungara
Space Sector: 2814
Race: Ungarans
Marital Status: Presumed single
Known Relatives: Abin Sur (father, deceased) unnamed mother, Arin Sur (aunt,deceased), Soranik Natu (cousin)
Base of Operation: Mobile
Group Affiliation(s): Sinestro Corps, Black Circle Syndicate (former)
Gender: Male
Eyes: Black
Hair: None
First Appearance: Green Lantern Vol. 3 #162 (Early June 2003): "You're Not the Boss of Me"
Creators: Judd Winick and Charlie Adlard
Amon Sur was born on Ungara, in Space Sector 2814. His mother told him he was the son of their world's Green Lantern, Abin Sur though father and son never met. Abin Sur never knew of his son. Amon Sur's mother and father never performed the unity ceremony and Abin Sur's duties as a Green Lantern would more often than not take him off-world. Amon Sur and his mother would watch the stars for his return, but he never did. Abin Sur met his final fate on Earth, and his power ring and battery of power was given to an Earthman, Hal Jordan.
Green Lantern Vol. 3 #162, Showcase #22
The planet Ungara did not take the news of Abin Sur's death well and ultimately splintered into civil war. Green Lanterns Arisia of Graxos IV and Hal Jordan saved Ungara from the destructive affects of the Ungaran world war. At some point Kilowog, Katma Tui and Tomar-Re of the Green Lantern Corps visited Ungara to pay their respects to Amon Sur and his mother, but Abin Sur's replacement, Hal Jordan, did not come back. - Green Lantern Vol. 2 #107, #150, Green Lantern Vol. 4 #17,
Amon Sur grew to despise the Green Lantern Corps and resented his late father, believing he deserved to wield the power ring. He did not want to live in his father's shadow, and thought he'd found a way to make his own name when he joined the Black Circle crime syndicate. The Syndicate was involved in numerous forms of criminal activates, and spanned many space sectors and worlds with them. Amon Sur quickly rose in the organization. He personally killed a Green Lantern and took the Emerald Warrior's starship headquarters as his own command center. Amon Sur and his assassins killed numerous Green Lanterns over the years. Representations of the fallen were placed in a trophy room onboard Amon Sur's stolen starship.
Though he never came into the possession of a Green Lantern's power ring, Amon Sur wielded a different power. He soon gained control of the Black Circle Syndicate. Under Amon Sur, the Black Circle Syndicate quickly became bitter rivals of Izar the Zakkarian and his organization, the Crimson Star Mob. - Green Lantern Vol. 3 #172,
When a faction of the Black Circle broke away from the syndicate, Amon Sur personally sought them out. The splinter cell attempted to set up criminal enterprises on Earth, starting with a narcotics route. They believed it remote enough to escape their leader's eyes. Though Amon Sur had planned to establish interests on Earth eventually, he intended to crush the rogue operation and take revenge on those he deemed disloyal to the Syndicate. - Green Arrow Vol. 3 #24 - #26, Green Lantern Vol. 3 #162 - 165
He made his way to Earth and presented himself as a member of the Ungaran Light Brigade, an elite law enforcement organization on his homeworld. Amon Sur knew of Green Lantern Kyle Rayner and Green Arrow Oliver Queen from stories of his childhood. The two Earth heroes had already met members of the Black Circle Syndicate who had been using the criminal gangs of St. Roch, Metropolis, Los Angeles, Gotham City, Chicago, Keystone City, and Star City to steal vast quantities of high grade industrial strength chlorine bleach which the aliens would use, Green Lantern Vol. 3 #162, - Green Arrow Vol. 3 #24
Farak Fekk, one of the Black Circle's top hit men, tried to kill Amon Sur but was stopped by the Earth heroes. Fekk had allegedly destroyed tracking equipment on Amon Sur's ship. Before he could be questioned, Fekk detonated an explosive device, ending his life. Amon Sur learned of a cargo ship heading towards Earth so he and Green Lantern Kyle Rayner went out into space to intercept it. Sur had many questions regarding the power ring, but they were interrupted by a surprise attack from the cargo ship after it dropped out of warp. - Green Arrow Vol. 3 #24
They survived the attack, and trailed the cargo ship to Earth. It landed in Star City, where Green Arrow was battling the drug smugglers. While the emerald heroes tried in vain to stop the cargo ship from escaping, Amon Sur chased down and killed the four smugglers that remained behind. Green Lantern Vol. 3 #163
A gang war between the Black Circle Syndicate and the criminals of Star City soon broke out. Amon Sur killed one of the Circle in front of Green Lantern and the other heroes. Perhaps realizing his duplicity would soon be uncovered, Amon Sur called in his transportation. In seconds, a massive starship loomed over Star City. Amon Sur attempted to slay the Earth heroes in a barrage of weapons fire before escaping the planet. The emerald clad heroes survived, and teleported on board the Black Circle starship but they had entered a trap. A containment field held the pair and then feedback blasted them unconscious. Amon Sur took the Green Lantern's power ring. - Green Arrow Vol. 3 #25
Amon Sur was unable to utilize the Lantern's power ring because it had been keyed to Kyle Rayner's DNA. Moreover, Rayner was still in control of the ring even though he was not wearing it. The Green Lantern was able to retrieve his power ring and he and Green Arrow were able to escape their confinement. Amon Sur was forced to flee, self-destructing the Artalla before he transported away. Back on Earth, Green Lantern Kyle Rayner vowed to find Amon Sur and bring down the Black Circle Syndicate. - Green Lantern Vol. 3 #164,
At some point, Amon Sur came into contact with beings from the anti-matter universe. Allying himself with the Weaponers of Qward, Amon Sur planned to destroy the newly restored planet Oa, thereby wiping out the Central Power Battery and any hope for the restoration of the Green Lantern Corps. They would do this by means of a quantum singularity weapon known as the Blind.
The Blind was field tested in six different systems across Space Sector 2814. It obliterated entire planets, regardless of any civilizations destroyed in its wake. One of the of the Black Circle's operatives, Ashari of Tamaran was a commander in the Cosmic Emergency Management Agency, otherwise known as C.E.M.A.. Commander Ashari would forward reports of the Blind's capabilities to Amon Sur, as well as keep away other investigators, such as scientist Professor Tipanius Terpis aboard the research vessel Tsunami. It was Terpis that contacted Green Lantern Kyle Rayner after the destruction of the planet Mellifera.
The Blind was next sent to Earth. Green Lantern and the crew of the Tsunami went to bring an end to the destruction. Mere moments after she reported this information to the Black Circle, Commander Ashari and her crew aboard the C.E.M.A. starcraft were destroyed by Amon Sur. To stop the ring wielder, Amon Sur enlisted the feared bounty hunter Shiro Nova. Green Lantern Vol. 3 #166,
After his death, during the event known as the Blackest Night, a black ring descended admidst his remains, downloaded his memories and created a duplicate of his body that rose from the grave as a member of the Black Lantern Corps.
As a member of the Sinestro Corps, Amon Sur possessed a yellow power ring and power battery.
For a definitive list of appearances of Amon Sur in chronological order click here