 Unofficial Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

Crisis on Infinite Earths 10


Cover Date: January 1986
Cover Price: $.75
Publication Date: 1985-09-10


Cover Credits:
Art: George Pérez (signed)
Colors: Anthony Tollin

Story: "Death at the Dawn of Time" (26 Pages)


StoryMarv Wolfman
PencilsGeorge Pérez
InksJerry Ordway
LetteringJohn Costanza
ColorsAnthony Tollin
Consulting editingLen Wein
Associate editingRobert Greenberger
EditingMarv Wolfman

Feature Character(s):

Alexander Luthor, Jr.

Guest Star(s):

Adam Strange (last in Swamp Thing Vol. 2 #46)
Anthro (last in issue #5; next in Guy Gardner: Warrior #24)
Aquagirl (dies; next in War of the Gods #4)
Aqualad (next in issue #12)
Atom (Ray Palmer; next in Sword of the Atom Special #3)
Atomic Knight (last in Wonder Woman Vol. 1 #325)
Black Canary (next in Detective Comics #559)
Blue Beetle of Earth-4 (Ted Kord)
Blue Devil (last in flashback in Blue Devil #31; next in issue #12)
Captain Atom of Earth-4
Captain Comet (last in issue #5 / All-Star Squadron #53)
Chris KL-99 (last in DC Comics Presents #78)
Creeper (next as Jack Ryder in Justice League #2)
Cryll (last in Green Lantern Vol. 2 #137)
Dale Gunn (next in Justice League of America #245)
Dolphin (last in issue #7)
Dove (next in issue #12)
Firehawk (last in Fury of Firestorm #42; next in issue #12)
Firestorm (Ron Raymond and Martin Stein)
Green Arrow of Earth-2 (next in issue #12)
Halk (last in DC Comics Presents #78)
Hawkman (next in issue #12)
Hawkwoman (last in DC Comics Presents #95; next in issue #12)
Huntress of Earth-2 (Helena Wayne)
Immortal Man (last in DC Comics Presents #78; next in Flash Vol. 2 #48)
Jemm (last in issue #5; next in JLA #9)
Jennifer Morgan (in between Warlord Vol. 1 #99 and #100)
Jero (last in DC Comics Presents #78)
Judomaster of Earth-4 (in between issues #7 and #12)
Lightning (last in New Teen Titans Vol. 1 #36; next in issue #12)
Lois Lane (last in America vs. the Justice Society #4; next in #12)
Lori Lemaris (in between issues #7 and #12)
Madame Xanadu (last in Blue Devil Annual #1; next in issue #12)
Mento (next in New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #14)
Mera (next in issue #12)
Peacemaker of Earth-4 (last in issue #7)
Phantom Stranger (last in issue #7)
Power Girl of Earth-2
Robin II (Jason Todd)
Ronal (last in issue #4)
Sargon (next in issue #12)
Space Ranger (last in Green Lantern Vol. 2 #137)
Spectre (last in issue #8)
Speedy (next in flashback in Hawk and Dove Vol. 3 #26)
Speedy of Earth-2 (next in issue #12)
Superboy of Earth-Prime (last in DC Comics Presents #87)
Tawky Tawny of Earth-5 (last in issue #7)
Thunderbolt of Earth-4 (last in issue #7; next in flashback in Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt #1)
Warlord (in between issues #5 and #12)
Wildcat of Earth-2 (Yolanda Montez)
Will Magnus (next in Action Comics #590)
Wonder Woman
Zatara (last in DC Comics Presents #18)
Doom Patrol
Celsius (next in Doom Patrol Vol. 2 #1)
Negative Woman (next in issue #12)
Robotman (Cliff Steele; next in New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #28)
Tempest (Joshua Clay; (next in issue #12)
Freedom Fighters
Human Bomb (next in issue #12)
Phantom Lady
Ray (in between issues #7 and #12)
Uncle Sam
Infinity, Inc. of Earth-2
Fury of Earth-2
Northwind of Earth-2 (next in Infinity, Inc. #25)
Nuklon of Earth-2 (next in Infinity, Inc. #25)
Obsidian of Earth-2
Silver Scarab of Earth-2 (next in Infinity, Inc. #25)
Star-Spangled Kid of Earth-2
Justice League of America
Elongated Man (next in Justice League of America #245)
Gypsy (in between Justice League of America #245 and #246)
Martian Manhunter (next in Justice League of America #245)
Vixen (last in Justice League of America Annual #3; next in Justice League of America #245)
Zatanna (next in Justice League of America #245)
Justice Society of America of Earth-2
Atom of Earth-2 (Al Pratt; next in Infinity, Inc. #25)
Doctor Fate of Earth-2
Doctor Mid-Nite of Earth-2 (next in Infinity, Inc. #25)
Flash of Earth-2 (Jay Garrick)
Green Lantern (Alan Scott)
Hawkgirl of Earth-2 (next in Infinity, Inc. #26)
Hawkman of Earth-2 (next in Infinity, Inc. #26)
Hourman of Earth-2 (Rex Tyler; next in Infinity, Inc. #25)
Johnny Thunder of Earth-2 (next in issue #12)
Superman of Earth-2
Thunderbolt of Earth-2 (next in issue #12)
Wonder Woman of Earth-2
Legion of Super-Heroes
Blok (last in issue #8; next in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #19)
Bouncing Boy (Chuck Taine; in between Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #16 and #20/2)
Brainiac 5 (last in issue #8; next in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #19)
Chameleon Boy (Reep Daggle; last in issue #8; next in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #19)
Colossal Boy (Gim Allon; last in issue #8; next in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #19)
Cosmic Boy (Rokk Krinn; last behind the scenes in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #16; next in Legionnaires 3 #1)
Dawnstar (last in issue #8; next in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #19)
Dream Girl (Nura Nal; last in issue #8; next in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #19)
Duo Damsel (Luornu Durgo Taine; in between Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #14 and #35)
Element Lad (Jan Arrah; last in issue #8; next in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #19)
Invisible Kid (Jacques Foccart; in between Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #18 and #19/2)
Lightning Lad (Garth Ranzz; last in issue #8; next in Legionnaires 3 #1
Lightning Lass (Ayla Ranzz; last in issue #8; next in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #19)
Magnetic Kid (Pol Krinn; in between Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #18 and #19)
Mon-El (last in issue #8; next in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #19)
Phantom Girl (Tinya Wazzo; last in issue #8; next in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #19)
Polar Boy (Brek Bannin; in between Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #18 and #19)
Saturn Girl (Imra Ardeen-Ranzz; last in issue #8; next in Legionnaires 3 #1)
Sensor Girl (in between Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #17 and #19)
Shadow Lass (Tasmia Mallor; last in issue #8; next in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #19)
Shrinking Violet (Salu Digby; last in issue #8; next in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #19)
Star Boy (Thom Kallor; last in issue #8; next in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #19)
Sun Boy (Dirk Morgna; last in issue #8; next in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #19)
Tellus (in between Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #18 and #19)
Timber Wolf (Brin Londo; in between Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #17 and #19)
Ultra Boy (Jo Nah; last in issue #8; next in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #19)
Wildfire (Drake Burroughs; last in issue #8; next in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #19)
Marvel Family of Earth-S
Captain Marvel of Earth-S (last in issue #7
Captain Marvel Jr. of Earth-S (last in issue #7)
Mary Marvel of Earth-S (in between issues #7 and #12)
Uncle Marvel of Earth-S (in between issues #7 and #12)
Lieutenant Marvels
Fat Marvel (last in ???; next in issue #12)
Hill Marvel (last/next in ???)
Tall Marvel (last in ???; next in issue #12)
Metal Men
Gold (next in Action Comics #590)
Iron (next in Action Comics #590)
Lead (next in Action Comics #590)
Mercury (next in Action Comics #590)
Platinum (next in Action Comics #590)
Tin (next in Action Comics #590)
New Teen Titans
Wonder Girl (Donna Troy)
Black Lightning (last in Justice League of America Annual #3; next in issue #12)
Halo (next in issue #12)
Metamorpho (next in issue #12)
Time Masters
Rip Hunter
Bonnie Baxter
Jeff Smith

Supporting Character(s):

Doctor Light (in between issues #7 and #12)
Lady Quark of Earth-6
Vulko (last in JLA: Incarnations #4; next in issue #12)


Black Adam of Earth-S
Blockbuster (next, pulled forward in time in Avengers/JLA #4)
Bolt (next in Fury of Firestorm #45)
Calendar Man (in between Batman Vol. 1 #385 and #400)
Captain Cold (next in Blue Devil #30)
Chemo (next in Action Comics #590)
Clayface II (Matt Hagen; last in Detective Comics #526; next in issue #12)
Deadshot (last in Detective Comics #536; next in Batman Vol. 1 #400)
Deathbolt (last in issue #6; next in Young All-Stars #12)
Despero (in between Justice League of America #178 and #247)
Doctor Cyber (last in Wonder Woman Vol. 1 #321; next in Power Company #1)
Doctor Destiny (last in Justice League of America Annual #1; next in Arkham Asylum)
Doctor Double X (next in Batman Vol. 1 #400)
Doctor Polaris (next in Green Lantern Corps #201)
Doctor Sivana of Earth-S
Doctor Spectro of Earth-4 (next in Captain Atom #5)
Dummy (last in Vigilante: City Lights, Prairie Justice #4; next in Infinity, Inc. #51)
Electrocutioner (last in Vigilante #15; next in issue #12)
Enforcer (last in Fury of Firestorm Annual #1; next in Suicide Squad Vol. 1 #58)
Faceless Hunter from Saturn (last in Resurrection Man #25; next in Young Justice #50)
Ghost (next in ???)
Harlequin of Earth-2
Hector Hammond (in between Green Lantern Vol. 2 #157 and #197)
Huntress of Earth-2 (Paula Brooks; next in Infinity, Inc. #35)
Icicle of Earth-2 (dies; next, as a spirit, in Hawk and Dove Annual #1)
Insect Queen (last in Superman Family #222/2)
Kanjar Ro (next in Hawkworld Vol. 2 #1)
Krona (next chronological appearance in flashback in issue #7)
Lex Luthor
Lightning Lord (next in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #45)
Lord of Time (next in Justice League of America #245)
Lord Satanis (last in Action Comics #541)
Maaldor (dies; next in Starman Vol. 1 #40)
Magno Lad (last in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #5)
Mirror Master (dies; next in War of the Gods #4)
Multiplex (last in Fury of Firestorm Annual #1; next in Fury of Firestorm #43)
Per Degaton of Earth-2
Quakemaster (next in Hero Hotline #1)
Radiation Roy (appearance the same as Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #18; next in issue #54)
Shaggy Man (next in JLA #24)
Silver Ghost ???
Silver Slasher ???
Sinestro (next in Green Lantern Vol. 2 #197)
Star Sapphire (Carol Ferris; next in Green Lantern Vol. 2 #199)
Sun Emperor (appearance the same as Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #18; next in issue #21)
T.O. Morrow (next in Flash Vol. 2 #19
Time Trapper (last in Superboy Vol. 1 #223; next in Legionnaires 3 #1)
Tokamak (last in Fury of Firestorm Annual #1; next in Firestorm Vol. 3 #14)
Typhoon (in between Fury of Firestorm #9 and #43)
ULTIVAC (last in Resurrection Man #25; next in Young Justice #50)
Ultra-Humanite of Earth-2
Brotherhood of Evil
Houngan (next in New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #26)
Phobia (last in issue #5; next in New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #26)
Warp (next in New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #26)
Fatal Five
Emerald Empress (last chronological appearance in second story this issue; next in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #21)
Emerald Eye (last chronological appearance in second story this issue; next in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #21)
Persuader (next in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #21)
Fearsome Five
Psimon (next in New Titans #115)
Shimmer (next in Adventures of Superman #430)

Other Character(s):

Lois Lane (last in America vs. the Justice Society #4; next in issue #12)


Earth-1 (destroyed)
Death Valley, CA
Brainiac's Skull-Ship
Oa (ten billion years ago)
Earth-2 (destroyed)
Earth-4 (destroyed)
New York, NY
Earth-S (destroyed)
Earth-X (destroyed)
Dawn of Time


This story takes place in July 1985.
For the purposes of the Unofficial Guide to the DC Universe, unless listed otherwise, characters listed above are from the Earth-1 reality.

Story Reprinted in:

Crisis on Infinite Earths ([December] 1998)
Crisis on Infinite Earths ([December] 2000)
Crisis on Infinite Earths The Absolute Edition (2005)


The impossibly powerful Spectre finally steps into the fray, but even the embodiment of God's wrath may not be enough to save the universe! Meanwhile, other new allies arrive, and you won't want to miss "The Monitor Tapes," a somber look at the fates of worlds not focused on in the main story.


Second Story: "The Monitor Tapes" (24 Pages)


StoryMarv Wolfman
PencilsGeorge Pérez
Consulting editingLen Wein
Associate editingRobert Greenberger
EditingMarv Wolfman

Feature Character(s):


Guest Star(s):

Amethyst (last in issue #5)
Immortal Man (last in DC Comics Presents #78; next in Flash Vol. 2 #48)
Kamandi (in between issues #5 and #12)
Lady Sapphire (last in Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #12; next in ???)
Starman (Prince Gavyn; last in Starman Annual Vol. 2 #1/2)
Swamp Thing (in between Swamp Thing Vol. 2 #46 and #47)
Tommy Tomorrow (last in Showcase #100; next in issue #12)
Forever People
Beautiful Dreamer (last in Forever People Vol. 1 #11; next in Forever People Vol. 2 #1)
Big Bear (last in Forever People Vol. 1 #11; next in Forever People Vol. 2 #1)
Mark Moonrider (last in Forever People Vol. 1 #11; next in Forever People Vol. 2 #1)
Serifan (last in Forever People Vol. 1 #11; next in Forever People Vol. 2 #1)
Vykin the Black (last in Forever People Vol. 1 #11; next in Forever People Vol. 2 #1)
Olympian Gods (three die)


Shadow Demons
Chameleon Chief (appearance the same as Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #18; next in issue #21)
Cosmic King (next in Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #1)
Doctor Regulus (last/next in ???)
Emerald Empress ???
Emerald Eye ???
Esper Lass (last in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #5; next in Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #2)
Lightning Lord (next in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #45)
Mano (last in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 2 #271; next in issue #9)
Persuader (appearance the same as Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #18)
Radiation Roy (appearance the same as Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #18; next in issue #54)
Silver Slasher
Sun Emperor (appearance the same as Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #18; next in issue #21)
Titania II
Tyr (next in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #19)
Validus (next in issue #9)
X'Hal (in flashback in between Omega Men #26 and flashback in #33)

Cameo Appearance(s):

Alexander Luthor, Jr. (appearances of all below are images, not actual part of the story)
Black Adam of Earth-S
Blue Beetle of Earth-4
Captain Marvel of Earth-S
Dream Girl
Lady Quark of Earth-6
Lex Luthor
Lord of Time
Mirror Master
Nuklon of Earth-2
Power Girl of Earth-2
Star Sapphire
Superboy of Earth-Prime
Superman of Earth-2
Uncle Sam
Wonder Woman (uncertain if Earth-1 or Earth-2 version)


Space Sector 0
Space Sector 2682
Space Sector 2814
S.T.A.R. Labs (actual location unknown)
Brainiac's Skull-Ship
Monitor's Satellite (in flashback)
Space Sector 2828
Space Sector 3561
Takron-Galtos (destroyed)
Unidentified Space Sector(s)
Gemworld (Citadel of Sapphire)
Mibrannu (first appearance)
Star System NGC-2683 (first appearance)
Mount Olympus


For the purposes of the Unofficial Guide to the DC Universe, unless listed otherwise, characters listed above are from the Earth-1 reality.

Story Reprinted in:

Crisis on Infinite Earths ([December] 1998)
Crisis on Infinite Earths ([December] 2000)
Crisis on Infinite Earths The Absolute Edition (2005)


You won't want to miss "The Monitor Tapes," a somber look at the fates of worlds not focused on in the main story.