Created by Jack Schiff; George Kashdan; Bernie Breslauer and Howard Sherman


Occupation: Colonel in the Space Planeteers, 21st Century Interplanetary Police Force
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Horatio Tomorrow (adoptive father); Buddy Blank (grandfather); Tim Tomorrow (brother)
Base of Operation: Planeteer Headquarters, Gotham City, Earth
Group Affiliation(s): Planeteers
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 179 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
First Appearance: Real Fact Comics #6 (January 1947): "Columbus of Space"
Creators: Jack Schiff; George Kashdan; Bernie Breslauer and Howard Sherman


The heroic Tommy Tomorrow was originally a child named Kamandi Blank, grandson of Buddy Blank (a.k.a. OMAC, the hero who devoted his life to avert the Great Disaster in the late 21st century). For unknown reasons, the boy was found in Bunker D of the Space Planeteer HQ by General Horatio Tomorrow of the Planeteers, in the 22nd century. Thomas, as the boy was now called, was intelligent and scientifically interested. As an adult he joined the Planeteers himself, ultimately becoming the greatest and most honored Planeteer of them all. His best friend in the Planeteers was Captain Brent Wood. For a time the pair flew in the two-man spacecraft nick-named the Space Ace.


For a definitive list of appearances of Tommy Tomorrow in chronological order click here


Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #24 (February 1987)