 JADE (Jennie-Lynn Hayden)BIOGRAPHY
Created by Roy Thomas and Jerry Ordway

Jade (Jennie-Lynn Hayden).png
Jade (Jennie-Lynn Hayden); Art by Ian Churchill.


Real Name: Jennie-Lynn Hayden
Occupation: Superhero
Place of Birth: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Alan Scott (father); Rose Canton (mother, deceased); Todd Rice (brother); Molly Mayne Scott (stepmother); Julian Hayden (adoptive father); Myrna Hayden (adoptive mother)
Base of Operation: N/A
Group Affiliation(s): None; Formerly Blood Pack; Formerly Infinity, Inc.
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 102 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Green (as Jade); Brown (as Jennie-Lynn)
Distinguishing Features: Green skin
First Appearance: All-Star Squadron #25 (September 1983): "The Infinity Syndrome"
Creators: Roy Thomas and Jerry Ordway

Either they're putting something special in the water these days or I just nailed this guy with my mother's powers - Jade
Quote taken from Green Lantern Secret Files #2/4


The daughter of the Golden age Green Lantern (Alan Scott) and the Thorn (Rose Canton), Jennie inherited her father's manipulation of green energy in a natural form. As such, she joined theInfinity, Inc. young heroes group and served with them and on her own for many years, also keeping up a career as a model and movie executive. Recently, she was stripped of her power, but discovered an innate control over plant-life probably inherited from her mother. She shares a psychic bond with her twin, Obsidian (Todd Rice), and it was this that alerted the JSA to the threat he posed to them. She moved New York, sharing an apartment with Kyle Rayner), then the sole Green Lantern on Earth, with whom she worked regularly, as he restored her original powers during his time as Ion. During the events known as Infinite Crisis, Jade joined a coalition of heroes, who were travelling to the center of the universe. She was killed by Alexander Luthor, Jr. (Earth-3 - Pre-Crisis Multiverse), but managed to give Rayner her remaining power. This energy transformed him into Ion once again.


Jennie-Lynn is the daughter of Alan Scott, the Golden Age Green Lantern, and Rose Canton, the Golden Age Thorn, and during their short-lived marriage Rose got pregnant with twins, a fact that she kept from her husband. After giving birth to Jennie-Lynn and her twin brother Todd, Rose abandoned her children at the hospital fearing that her evil Thorn personality would kill them. While Todd was adopted right away, Jennie-Lynn was sent to the Fielding Home for Girls. It was during her time at the orphanage that her powers first manifested. The orphanage janitor had been molesting the girls and one Christmas evening he picked Jennie-Lynn as his next victim. Suddenly the green birthmark on her palm began to glow and she shot out a mystical green energy pulse. A few months later she was adopted by the Hayden's and she soon repressed the memory of both the janitor and her strange power.


For a definitive list of appearances of Jade in chronological order click here


Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #11 (January 1986)

Who's Who in the DC Universe #3 (October 1990)
Green Lantern Secret Files #1 (July 1998)
Green Lantern Secret Files #2 (September 1999)