 Unofficial Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

Crisis on Infinite Earths 4


Cover Date: July 1985
Cover Price: $.75
Publication Date: 1985-03-12


Cover Credits:
Art: George Pérez (signed)
Colors: Anthony Tollin

Story: "And Thus Shall the World Die!" (25 Pages)


StoryMarv Wolfman
PencilsGeorge Pérez
InksDick Giordano, Mike DeCarlo
ColorsAnthony Tollin
LetteringJohn Costanza
Consulting editingLen Wein
Associate editingRobert Greenberger
EditingMarv Wolfman

Feature Character(s):

Monitor (dies)
Harbinger (Lyla Michaels)
Pariah (next in Legends of the DCU: Crisis on Infinite Earths #1)
Alexander Luthor, Jr.

Guest Star(s):

Air Wave (last in DC Comics Presents #55)
Bat Lash
Batgirl (last in DC Comics Presents #86)
Batman (next in New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #13)
Blue Devil (last in Blue Devil Annual #1)
Dolphin (last in DC Comics Presents #78)
Firebrand of Earth-2 (Danette Reilly)
Firestorm (Ron Raymond and Martin Stein)
Green Lantern (John Stewart)
Green Lantern of Earth-2 (Alan Scott; appearance same as Infinity, Inc. #20; last in America vs. the Justice Society #4; next in Infinity, Inc. Annual #1)
Hawkman (last in Shadow War of Hawkman #4)
Jade of Earth-2 (appearance same as Infinity, Inc. #20; last in Justice League of America  #244; next in Infinity, Inc. Annual  #1)
John Constantine (in between Swamp Thing Vol. 2 #40 and Swamp Thing Vol. 2 44)
Johnny Thunder (John Tane)
Jonah Hex
Lady Chian (last in issue #2)
Lori Lemaris (last in Superman Vol. 1 #408)
Mento (last in New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #11; next in Swamp Thing Vol. 2 #44)
Obsidian of Earth-2 (last in issue #2; next in Infinity, Inc. Annual #1)
Red Tornado (last in Red Tornado #4)
Shining Knight (last in Adventure Comics #153/2; next in Justice League of America 80-Page Giant Vol. 2 #1/3; see Comments)
Starman of Earth-2 (Ted Knight; appearance same as Infinity, Inc. #20; last in Justice League of America #232; next in Infinity, Inc. Annual #1)
Supergirl (last in DC Comics Presents #86)
Superman of Earth-2
Superman (next in New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #13)
Easy Company
Sgt. Rock (next in ???
Bulldozer (next in ???)
Haunted Tank (next in ???)
Jeb Stuart
Legion of Super-Heroes
Brainiac 5
Dream Girl (Nura Nal)
Shrinking Violet (Salu Digby; last in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #11; next in Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #324)
Star Boy (Thom Kallor; last in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #11)
Ultra Boy (Jo Nah; last in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 3 #11; next in Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #324)
New Teen Titans:
Changeling (next in New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #13, page 19)
Jericho (next in New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #13, page 19)
Kole (next in New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #13, page 19)
Nightwing {next in New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #13, page 19)
Starfire {next in New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #13, page 19)
Wonder Girl (next in New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #13, page 19)
Black Lightning (next in New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #13, page 19)
Halo (next in New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #13, page 19)
Katana (next in New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #13, page 19)
Metamorpho (next in New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #13, page 19)

Supporting Character(s):

Doctor Light IV (Kimiyo Hoshi; first appearance)
Lady Quark of Earth-6 (Tashana; first appearance; next in Legends of the DCU: Crisis on Infinite Earths #1)


Shadow Demons
Doctor Polaris
Killer Frost
Psycho-Pirate of Earth-2
Vandal Savage of Earth-2 (in the time of Camelot)
Nazi soldiers (in Markovia, June 1944)

Other Character(s):

Ronal (last in Superman Vol. 1 #408; next in issue #10)


Atlantis (in Arion's time, 45,000 years ago)
United States of America
Coyote, Texas (in 1879)
Metropolis (in the 30th Century)
Legion Headquarters III
New York, NY (also in the future, during the Great Disaster)
Markovia (June 1944)
Monitor's Satellite
Earth-6 (first appearance; destroyed)


This story takes place in July 1985.
For the purposes of the Unofficial Guide to the DC Universe, unless listed otherwise, characters listed above are from the Earth-1 reality.
In The Shining Knight's personal timeline, he is drawn back to Camelot by Merlin on occasions. His before and after appearances here reflect this.
Story continued from the previous issue and continues in the next issue.

Story Reprinted in:

Crisis on Infinite Earths ([December] 1998)
Crisis on Infinite Earths ([December] 2000)
Crisis on Infinite Earths The Absolute Edition (2005)


Literally all the greatest DC Universe heroes from across time and space join forces to stop a being more powerful than any they've ever faced! But with existence crumbling around them, this may be a fight that no one walks away from.