Created by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis |
Status: Active
Current Members: Ampa Nnn, Arkillo, Bedovian, Borialosaurus, Braach, Despotellis, DevilDog, Feena Sik, Flayt, Haasp the Hunter, Karu-Sil, Kiriazis, Kretch, Kryb, Low, Lyssa Drak, Maash, Mallow, Moose, Murr the Melting Man (Ausiin Snow), Quintet, Romat-Ru, Scivor, Seer Ruggle, Setag Retss, Sinestro,
Space Sector: 1417
First Appearance: Green Lantern Vol. 4 #10 (May 2006): "Revenge of the Green Lanterns Part One"
Creators: Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis
Once considered one of the greatest of the Green Lanterns, Sinestro of Korugar had the most orderly sector in all of known space.
Unfortunately, that order came with a price. He recognized the potential of the Green Lantern Corps, but over time came to believe the Guardians of the Universe did not go far enough to bring order to the stars. Sinestro ruled Space Sector 1417 with an iron fist, and had set himself up a dictator of his homeworld. The people of Korugar did not love him as he claimed, they feared him. - Green Lantern Vol. 2 #7
Sinestro saw his sense of order come crashing down due in no small part to the involvement of a rookie lantern he was assigned to mentor, the Green Lantern of Space Sector 2814, Hal Jordan of Earth. The two Green Lanterns eventually became friends but when Sinestro was revealed as a tyrant, the Green Lantern of Korugar was stripped of his power ring and insignia and expelled from the Corps. - Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II #1- 6
Banished to the anti-matter universe of Qward, Sinestro set himself on a path to reclaim his power and wreak vengeance on the Guardians and the Green Lantern Corps who he believed had turned against him. Allying himself with the Weaponers of Qward, Sinestro forged a new, yellow power ring. His earliest battles were with Hal Jordan, who he offered the chance to join him against the Guardians. - Green Lantern Vol. 2 #7,9
Over the years, Sinestro returned again and again to plague the positive matter universe. At times, Sinestro allied himself with other villains, such as Star Sapphire and the Weather Wizard. Generally, it was to the other villain's detriment. He also joined teams of villains, such as the Secret Society of Super-Villains.
It was during the so-named "Power War" that Sinestro learned the Weaponers of Qward only saw him as a paltry tool. Though he had spent his life manipulating others, it angered him that the Weaponers had been using him, though it was likely that deep down he knew this all along. For the first time, Sinestro turned against his Qwardian allies. - Green Lantern Vol. 2 #127
Years later, the so-called Crisis on Infinite Earths saw the rise of the Anti-Monitor. Born in the anti-matter universe, the Anti-Monitor wished to destroy the positive matter multiverse, and see the anti-matter universe ascendant. The Anti-Monitor was ultimately defeated by a coalition of heroes from across the multiverse, including one young hero of note, the Superboy from the lost universe of Earth Prime. Though Sinestro had the loyalty of a faction of the Weaponers of Qward, he was ultimately captured and imprisoned by the Green Lantern Corps. - Crisis on Infinite Earths Vol. 4 #1-12
Using knowledge from the Book of Oa, Sinestro found a way to gain an ally more powerful than himself. The sentient Sector 3600 known as MadGod T:D:H:D and Sinestro killed not only Green Lanterns but entire solar systems. Sinestro was ultimately defeated. He was tried by jury, found guilty and executed.
Even this did not stop his villainy as Sinestro leapt into the Central Power Battery on Oa, and met his most powerful ally to date. - Green Lantern Corps Vol. 1 #224
Sinestro discovered the yellow impurity his Qwardian power ring tapped into was sentient fear. It was alive, and Sinestro had awakened it. With his ring Sinestro could speak to it. Its name was Parallax. - Green Lantern: Rebirth #3- 4
In his time as a Green Lantern and then renegade, Sinestro had learned many forbidden secrets of the Guardians. He would continue to learn more, though it would be years before he could take action. Of all of his forbidden knowledge, the most important was the Prophecy of the Blackest Night, a chapter of the Book of Oa which has recently been destroyed by the Guardians.
"After untold millennia, the enemies of the Green Lantern Corps will rise united against them.
"A face of metal and flesh shall speak of the secrets of the 52. Fear will rise. Willpower will gather. And a war of light will unleash the truth behind the power of the ring." - Green Lantern Vol. 4 #20
Sinestro led Parallax to infect and ultimately corrupt Hal Jordan. To this end, Sinestro staged his own resurrection and death and the hands of Hal Jordan. For years it was believed that Hal Jordan had become a murderous villain, descended into madness by the destruction of Coast City. Jordan did not realize he was under the control of Parallax and ultimately sacrificed his life saving the Earth from the Sun-Eater. - Green Lantern Vol. 3 #48- 50, Final Night #4
Attempting to redeem himself, Jordan became the host for the Spectre. Over time, he gave up his quest for redemption as the powers he wielded sought to control him. The still hungry Parallax tried to gain the power of the Spectre but through the efforts of Ganthet, Kyle Rayner, John Stewart and Guy Gardner, Jordan was freed from the clutches of Parallax and restored to life. Parallax was once more imprisoned by the Guardians within the Central Power Battery. Sinestro was revealed as the master manipulator, but as always managed to escape. He retreated to the Antimatter Universe. - Green Lantern: Rebirth #1- 5
Sinestro returned to Earth once more, but this time as part of the so-called Society, a massive army of super-villains. After their defeat in Metropolis during the so-called Infinite Crisis, Sinestro embarked on a new plan. The Infinite Crisis had created a new multiverse, and restored one of the most powerful beings in existence, the Anti-Monitor. Sinestro saw the Anti-Monitor as his new Guardian. To combat the 7200 strong Green Lantern Corps, Sinestro would lead his own Corps.
The Sinestro Corps originated on Qward. The Qwardian population was enslaved by the Sinestro Corps and forced to work the mines, forging yellow power rings and batteries. They were forced to work by Arkillo, who used their deaths to inspire the survivors to work harder.
At certain intervals, Arkillo ordered a "ring spawn" to collect rookies to train. Hundreds of yellow power rings reversed their subatomic polarity and breach a wormhole to the positive matter universe, then began scanning their assigned space sector for a suitable candidate. The yellow power ring would locate someone with the ability to instill great fear. Once the ring was on the target's finger, it would pull the target through the wormhole back to the antimatter universe of Qward for extensive physical and/or psychological reconditioning. - Green Lantern Vol. 4 #15
After induction, a candidate for the Sinestro Corps was put through training by Arkillo of Vorn. Should they survive, they are sent to the Archive Towers and placed in a Fear Lodge by Lyssa Drak, keeper of the Book of Parallax. Inside the darkness and isolation of the Fear Lodge, a candidate would face his or her greatest fear, to ignite the yellow power ring. It is not unheard of a candidate dying with the Fear Lodge.
Just like the Green Lantern Corps, the Sinestro Corps is comprised of sentient beings from many worlds across the 3600 known sectors of space. There are members from such worlds as Qualar IV in Sector 2234 and Xudar in Sector 2813. Many are of the same species as former and/or present Green Lanterns, such as Galius Zed. Still more are from worlds as yet uncharted. Their stories are in the Book of Parallax.
One of the Green Lanterns' most powerful symbols was Ion. Formerly a Green Lantern, Kyle Rayner wielded the power of Ion and was called the "Torch Bearer" for his role in carrying on the emerald light when the Green Lantern Corps had been destroyed. Obviously, the Sinestro Corps planned to eliminate this threat to their plans.
Nero was sent across the universe, posing as Kyle Rayner to discredit Ion and eliminate the Guardians of the Universe. After Nero's failure, Effigy was sent but he was defeated as well. Upon capture, the two villains did not know why they had attacked. It was later revealed that Grayven, so-called son of Darkseid, was involved with the manipulation of Nero and Effigy. - Ion #1, #4- 8, #11- 12
Grayven was sent to eliminate a group of Qwardian Weaponers who opposed the Sinestro Corps, and later battled Ion directly as well, but was no match for his power. He was captured and sent to an Oan sciencell, but was intercepted along the way under circumstances not involving the Sinestro Corps, and later met his final fate. - Ion #11- 12, Outsiders: Five of a Kind - Martian Manhunter/Thunder #1
Back home on Earth, personal tragedy struck Kyle Rayner's life once more when his mother Maura Rayner died after a mysterious illness. Kyle Rayner would later learn the sentient bio-virus Despotellis of Sector 3497 had killed his mother. - Ion #12
Another ring spawning in Space Sector 424 gained the attention of Kyle Rayner. Though Sector Lanterns Graf Toren and Vode-M could not stop the yellow rings,
Rayner was able to confine one and bring it back to Oa. Shortly after arriving on Oa the yellow ring broke out of containment. It targeted and captured Rayner, bringing him across the threshold to the anti-matter universe. The resulting blast punched a hole through Oa's shell, and some Lanterns went out to find Rayner.
From Sector 3, Bedovian fired upon the Green Lanterns that had ventured beyond Oa's protective armor. At least three Lanterns were eliminated before John Stewart neutralized the sniper of the Sinestro Corps. In a bold strike, a unit of the Sinestro Corps attacked Oa. During the attack, the Cyborg-Superman, Superboy-Prime, and Parallax were freed by the Sinestro Corps.
When Kyle Rayner was brought to Qward, he faced thousands of the Sinestro Corps, and Sinestro himself. Stripped on the Ion entity by Sinestro, Kyle Rayner was broken down until he was ready to be taken by Parallax. With Superman-Prime and the Cyborg-Superman free and Parallax now in human form, Sinestro had gathered the last of the heralds for his master and Guardian, the Anti-Monitor. The Cyborg-Superman and Superboy-Prime were repaired by the Manuhunters, which were under the Cyborg-Superman's control. - Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special #1
The Sinestro Corps spread across the stars, hunting down members of the Green Lantern Corps. In Space Sector 555, Karu-Sil followed an Oan power ring from rookie to rookie, killing each sentient chosen to be the new Green Lantern of Sector 555. In Space Sector 2263, a sector house was invaded by the Sinestro Corps and the Green Lanterns were slain. In Space Sector 2261 Ranx the Sentient City, now planet sized, faced the planet-form Green Lantern known as Mogo. - Green Lantern Vol. 4 #21, Green Lantern Corps Vol. 2 #14
Parallax brought Hal Jordan, John Stewart and Guy Gardner through the Central Power Battery to Qward. Jordan managed to free himself, finding the "Lost Lanterns" had been sent by the Guardians of the Universe to retrieve Ion. After Parallax killed Jack T. Chance, the Green Lanterns split into two groups. While Hal Jordan, Graf Toren, and Tomar-Tu searched for John Stewart and Guy Gardner, Ke'Haan, Boodikka, and Laira search for Ion. In the positive matter universe, the Sinestro Corps massed in Space Sector 2262, and was believed to be on their way for an assault on Oa. - Green Lantern Vol. 4 #22
The Battles of Ranx and Mogo saw the Children of the White Lobe involved in the war. It was believed the Prophecy of the Blackest Night was coming to fruition as Green Lanterns Mogo and Sodam Yat of Daxam were engaged in the war. The Children of the White Lobe were to explode a blink-bomb in Mogo's core but were repelled. The Guardians of the Universe had enabled the Green Lantern power rings to utilize lethal force on members of the Sinestro Corps. Sodam Yat killed Enkafos and destroyed Ranx the Sentient City. - Green Lantern Corps Vol. 2 #15- 16
To wear down certain key members of the Justice League, a Starro wielding five Sinestro Corps power rings was sent ahead to Earth. By controlling super-villains Rampage, Prometheus, Livewire, Brimstone, Druid King, and Scorch, the Starro sought to occupy and wear down key members of the Justice League in preparation for the Sinestro Corps assault.
The arrival of the Titans Army from the future disrupted these plans as some of the Leaguers were taken prisoner and put in stasis while the Titans Army battled the present day Teen Titans. Starro was able to control most of the Titans Army before it was killed by the Titans Army's Flash. Its five Sinestro Rings went out into space to find a replacement. The Justice League members were freed in the battle and went to engage the greater threat of the Sinestro Corps. - Teen Titans Vol. 3 #51-54
The Guardians of the Universe thought Sinestro would strike Oa, but instead he was after the keystone of the multiverse, Earth. A new Warworld had been constructed to carry the Central Power Battery and the Anti-Monitor. New York City would be the Anti-Monitor's landing zone, while Coast City was attacked by Parallax and the Sinestro Corps to make it an example of the power of fear.
Though briefly controlling Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner, the fear entity was unable to hold on to them. Parallax was unltimately divided in four by Guardians Ganthet and Sayd. He is now trapped in the power batteries of Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, John Stewart and Guy Gardner.
Virtually all of Earth's heroes were involved in the war, at times fighting Manhunters, the Sinestro Corps, or Superboy-Prime. After battling across the United States, both Corps faced off in New York City and Coast City. It was there that Sinestro himself was defeated, while New York saw the defeat of the Anti-Monitor and the rest of the Sinestro Corps. Superman-Prime had turned against the Anti-Monitor, flinging him out into space before he himself was blasted into the multiverse with the death of one of the Guardians of the Universe. - Green Lantern Vol. 4 #25
Though hundred of soldiers of the Sinestro Corps may roam free, the Sinestro Corps would appear leaderless. Sinestro, Arkillo, and Lyssa Drak and hundreds more are imprisoned in sciencecells. They remain loyal to Sinestro. Superman-Prime has gone his own way throughout the 52 universes, the Cyborg-Superman is with the Manhunters and the Anti-Monitor is imprisoned within the Black Lantern.
Of the Sinestro Corps members believed to be at large, Kryb is being hunted by KT21, Amnee Pree and Matoo Pree. Bedovian is being hunted by Chaselon, and Haasp the Hunter is sought by his brother Green Lantern Harvid.
On the planet Varva, Sinestro Corps member Amon Sur of Ungara killed the family of Green Lantern Ke'Haan. He believed the action would inspire others in the Sinestro Corps to attack the loved ones of the Green Lantern Corps and would erase his act of cowardice. He did not foresee the rage this brought out in Green Lantern Laira, who killed the Ungaran. His power ring scanned Sector 2814, finding Jonathan Crane AKA Scarecrow of Earth to join the Sinestro Corps. Before the Scarecrow could receive the ring, Green Lanterns Hal Jordan and John Stewart stopped the ring and took it to Oa. - Green Lantern Vol. 4 #26- 28
When the Sinestro Corps soldier of Sector 2809 crash-landed in Sector 2811, Mongul killed him and took the yellow ring. After learning from his new power ring, Mongul left Debstam IV and went to the Black Mercy planet in Sector 2261. He tracked many yellow rings to their new owners and demanded they join him or die. The first to accept Mongul's conditions was Duel Eknham of Siamgemi. Mongul has since been defeated, and Duel Eknham has been killed by members of the Green Lantern Corps. A family of Sinestro Corps soldiers, known collectively as the Quintet, has recently been captured after brutal attacks on family members of new recruits to the Green Lantern Corps. - Green Lantern Corps Vol. 2 #20, 23- 28
All members of the Sinestro Corps possess a yellow power ring and power battery as well as any powers and abilities native to their species.
For a definitive list of appearances of Sinestro Corps in chronological order click here