Unofficial JLA: Year One Index |
Cover Date: December 1998
Cover Price: $2.95
Publication Date: 1998-10-14
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Cover Credits:
Art: Barry Kitson
Plot | Mark Waid, Brian Augustyn, Barry Kitson |
Story | Mark Waid |
Pencils | Barry Kitson |
Inks | Michael Bair |
Colors | Pat Garrahy |
Color separations | Heroic Age |
Lettering | Ken Lopez |
Editing | Peter J. Tomasi |
Feature Character(s):
- Justice League of America
- Flash II (see Comments)
- Black Canary II (see Comments)
- Aquaman (see Comments)
- Green Lantern (Hal Jordan; see Comments)
- Martian Manhunter (see Comments)
Guest Star(s):
- Superman
- Atom II (next in Showcase #35)
- Blue Beetle I (next in flashback in Blue Beetle (Charlton) #2)
- Doc Magnus
- Metal Men
- Gold (next in Metal Men Vol. 1 #1)
- Mercury (next in Metal Men Vol. 1 #1)
- Platinum (next in Metal Men Vol. 1 #1)
- Tin (next in Metal Men Vol. 1 #1)
- Iron (next in Metal Men Vol. 1 #1)
- Lead (next in Metal Men Vol. 1 #1)
- Batman
- Justice Society of America
- Hawkman (next in Flash Vol. 1 #137)
- Doctor Mid-Nite I (next in flashback in Starman Vol. 2 #11)
- Hourman (next in Justice League of America #21/flashback in DC Universe: Legacies #4)
- Starman I (next in flashback in Starman Vol. 2 #11)
- Atom I (next in Flash Vol. 1 #137)
- Green Lantern (Alan Scott)
- Sandman (next in Justice League of America Vol. 1 #46)
- Doctor Fate (next in Justice League of America #21)
- Spectre (in between Showcase #60 and #61)
- Black Canary I (last in issue #4; next in Justice League of America #21)
- Wildcat II (last in issue #4; next in flashback in Batgirl: Year One #1)
- Mister Terrific (last in flashback in JSA #60; next in Justice League of America Vol. 1 #37)
- Liberty Belle (next in flashback in Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #8)
- Blackhawks
- Blackhawk
- Andre
- Stanislaus
- Olaf
- Chop-Chop
- Chuck
- Hendrickson
- Lady Blackhawk (last in issue #8; see Comments)
- Freedom Fighters
- Uncle Sam (see Comments; possibly next in Hawk and Dove Vol. 3 #28)
- Human Bomb (next in Damage #2)
- Ray I (next in flashbacks in Ray #1)
- Phantom Lady I (see Comments)
- Doll Man (see Comments)
- Black Condor (see Comments)
- Green Arrow (revealed to be the JLA's unknown benefactor in this story)
- Speedy I
- Seven Soldiers of Victory:
- Shining Knight (see Comments)
- Crimson Avenger (see Comments)
- Wing (see Comments)
- Vigilante I (see Comments)
- Plastic Man
- Metamorpho
- Doom Patrol
- Elasti-Girl (next in Doom Patrol #90)
- Negative Man (next in Doom Patrol #90)
- Thunderbolt (next in Justice League of America #37)
- Sargon the Sorcerer (next in Flash #186)
- Sea Devils
- Prof Haley (between Challengers of the Unknown #13/2 and #14)
- Animal Man (last in Strange Adventures #201; next in Wonder Woman Vol. 1 #267)
- Cave Carson (last in DC Universe: Legacies #3/2; next in Action Comics #536)
- Hawkgirl I (last in issue #4; next in JLA: Incarnations #1)
- Global Guardians
- Doctor Mist (last in flashback in Secret Origins Vol. 2 #27/2; next in Teen Titans Spotlight #11)
- Godiva (earliest chronological appearance; next in Super Friends #7, then in Crisis on Infinite Earths #12)
- Owlwoman (earliest chronological appearance; next in Super Friends #7, then in Crisis on Infinite Earths #12)
- Tuatara
- Jack O'Lantern I
- Doctor Occult (next in flashback in Swamp Thing Vol. 2 #148)
- Zatara (last in flashback in Swamp Thing Vol. 2 #148; next in flashback in DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #5; see Comments)
Supporting Character(s):
- Appellaxians
- Vandal Savage
- Wotan (last in All-Star Squadron #49; next in JLA: Incarnations #1)
- Clayface II
Guest Appearance(s):
- Perry White
- Lois Lane
- Jimmy Olsen
- Molly Mayne (last in flashback in Green Lantern 80-Page Giant #1/2; next in flashback in DC First: Green Lantern/Green Lantern #1)
- Iris West
- Earth
- China
- Great Wall of China'
- Peking
- Paris, France
- United States of America
- Central City
- Metropolis
- Daily Planet
- Washington, DC
- China
- Earth
- This story is continued from the pevious issue.
- Some heroes depicted in this story may not actually be here due to later revelations and story lines, such as Uncle Sam, Phantom Lady, Doll Man, Black Condor, Shining Knight, Crimson Avenger, Wing and Zatara.
- The Justice League appear in Brave and the Bold #30, Justice League of America #1 through #3, Mystery in Space Vol. 1 #75, Justice League Quarterly #3 and Green Lantern: Fear Itself between pages 35 and 36 and the beginning of Justice League of America #4 on page 39.
- At some point in time, Lady Blackhawk is thrown into the future, but makes several more appearances in the past, including this story.
Story Reprinted in:
- JLA: Year One ([July] 1999)
- The epic conclusion! The Earth swarms with alien invaders seeking revenge for their defeat at the hands of the JLA. Now the only hope for survival lies in the hands of the five original JLAers, who will lead the largest team of superheroes ever assembled...against the greatest threat they've ever imagined!