Created by Steven Grant and Mike Zeck


Real Name: Devlos Ungol
Aliases: Mr. Tor
Occupation: former soldier in the Tartarath military; would-be conqueror
Homeworld: Tartarath
Group Affiliation(s): Tartarath military (former)
Gender: Male
Height: Variable
Weight: Variable
Eyes: Red
Hair: None
First Appearance: Legends of the DC Universe #20 (September 1999) "The Only Law West of Andromeda!"
Creators: Steven Grant and Mike Zeck


A galactic despot whose plans were twice thwarted by different Green Lanterns: first Abin Sur and then the legendary Hal Jordan. Returning for revenge many years later, he found that Jordan was gone and an upstart called Kyle Rayner was in his place. However, despite his armour which adapted to each new assault on it, he was defeated by this whelp and imprisoned once more.


Over two hundred years ago on his homeworld of Tartarath, Devlos Ungol was a great conqueror. The Technons, or scientists, wished to add to his might by transforming him, fusing him with stellar powered armor. They believed he would be their perfect soldier and he would serve Tartarath. Devlos Ungol then turned that power on his own people, crushing them without mercy. They died calling him "Traitor."

Traitor traveled from world to world, powered by the energy of dying stars. With each world he conquered survivors joined him, foolishly believing as those on Tartarath had that Traitor would some day destroy them too. Forging a vast armada with pirates and criminals from a thousand worlds, Traitor appeared unstoppable until the day the armada came to Ungara in Space Sector 2814. The Green Lantern Starkaðr arrived to defend the helpless world from the armada's advance. This was the first time Traitor fought someone his equal and the battle was so fierce, Traitor's armada broke up, fleeing in fear. Traitor was too badly damaged to continue the fight and he escaped as well. His foe, Starkaðr, was mortally wounded and fulfilled his final duty, conferring the power ring to Abin Sur of Ungara. - Legends of the DC Universe #20, #28

Traitor drifted through space, comatose as his systems self-repaired, becoming better and stronger. Decades later, he awoke to see the planet Earth. His systems were repaired but he was still lacking power. Traitor needed to recharge. Earth was far enough from the paths of other space travelers that Traitor would have the time he needed. - Legends of the DC Universe #28

Traitor arrived in the town of Coffin Springs in the Arizona territories in the late 1800s. The local law, Sheriff Duncan, was corrupt and had no objections when Traitor, now using the name "Mr. Tor," formed a gang of murderous criminals including the notorious "Bloody Joe" Tuscano. Traitor found the violent outlaws of the American West clustered around him, hungry for wealth and power. - Legends of the DC Universe #20, #28

Traitor knew he would eventually be tracked down by a member of the Green Lantern Corps and had plans for the day Abin Sur arrived. In the Earth's atmosphere, he had set a trap keyed to the energy of a Green Lantern's power ring. In 1882, when Abin Sur finally caught up with the villain, an explosion disabled the ring wielder, sending him plummeting to Earth. Traitor dispatched three of his men, Cletus, Marsh and Wilkie, to kill whatever fell from the sky. On Earth, Traitor had found a weapon to use against Green Lanterns. Using an Earth metal, gold, Traitor tipped the lead bullets of the era with the shiny substance.

Traitor's men thought it a waste to use the expensive gold to kill someone. When they fired with regular bullets, they found the projectiles ricocheted off the fallen Abin Sur. They were about to change to the gold tipped bullets when Deputy U.S. Marshal Henry Lee Jordan tried to arrest them. Jordan was quick to even the odds, killing Wilkie and Marsh before they could fire on him. Cletus ran but was captured by the recovering Abin Sur. It was Sur that prevented Jordan from gunning down Cletus as well.

Henry Lee Jordan had been a deputy in Smallville, Kansas six months prior and had led a posse of thirty men after Bloody Joe, only to have the posse wiped out and Bloody Joe and his men escape. Based on the recommendation of Sheriff Nate Kent, Jordan was appointed the new marshal to the Arizona Territories when Wyatt Earp was killed. Jordan relished the chance to find Bloody Joe, knowing his foe had fled west.

The two lawmen rode to Coffin Springs, Abin Sur changed his costume to something more befitting humans of that era, but Traitor knew there was a Green Lantern presence on Earth and had prepared himself well. - Legends of the DC Universe #20

The gang forcibly took a gatling gun from some soldiers. While Bloody Joe Tuscano was impressed with the rapid fire action of the gatling gun, Traitor chose to demonstrate how powerful he was, with a massive energy blast. He wanted the outlaws to help him kill the Green Lantern.

They discovered a rider had been trailing them since Coffin Springs and they gave chase. It was Marshal Henry Lee Jordan. When the Green Lantern revealed himself the gang fired on Abin Sur with the gold tipped bullets as ordered by Traitor. The Green Lantern had no defense. Jordan barely escaped with the fallen alien.

Following Traitor's orders, Tuscano and the gang were to burn Coffin Springs to the ground. Jordan did his best to fight them off but he was only one man. Tuscano had him in his sights seconds before the recovered Green Lantern came to his rescue. The Green Lantern dismantled the other outlaws' guns as well.

Traitor flew in to the battle to face the Green Lantern. He was disappointed that an Ungaran had been sent after him and both were revealed as aliens. Traitor claimed he knew the great secret of the universe as he unleashed his full power on the town of Coffin Springs, his own gang and Green Lantern Abin Sur.

Jordan came to his friend's rescue, firing the gatling gun at Traitor, damaging the cybernetics. Pieces of the bio-armor scattered across the ground. Traitor would have killed the Marshal if not for the Green Lantern. Abin Sur encased Traitor in a sphere of emerald energy, causing Traitor's power to turn upon himself. The sphere slowly reduced itself until it was absorbed into the power ring. Abin Sur restored Coffin Springs before he returned to the stars. It would be more than a century before Traitor would be seen again. - Legends of the DC Universe #21

Trapped on a subatomic world within Abin Sur's power ring, Traitor was cut off from the dying stars that gave him his powers. Over time he found the remnants of the world's once mighty civilization. The aliens, which he referred to as “dogs” only wished to die, and therefore made ideal followers for Traitor.

Traitor was able to piece together their advanced technology to use in his plans to escape. In the hundred years that had passed he learned that Abin Sur had died. Traitor found the restrictions placed upon him loosened after Abin Sur's death. Using the Dogs' technology, he was able to peer outside the world of the power ring to view the world around him. He learned Abin Sur had a successor, who Traitor called "the Haljor." - Legends of the DC Universe #28 -#29

"Haljor" was Green Lantern Hal Jordan, a descendant of Marshal Henry Lee Jordan. Traitor monitored the Green Lantern's battles against Hector Hammond, the Shark and Black Hand, each of whom had on occasion subverted the power ring, either by technological means or force of will. It wasn’t only Jordan’s enemies that interested Traitor. Green Lantern’s friend, the Atom, would be the key to Traitor’s escape plan.

He sent out a distress signal through a piece of his bio-armor that had been placed in an Old West exhibit. Though the signal purported to be for Green Lantern, it was only a ruse to draw the Atom in close. Traitor was able to draw a slight amount of white dwarf star power from the Atom’s costume. - Legends of the DC Universe #28

Once Green Lantern and the Atom came in proximity to each other, Traitor was momentarily able to control the power ring. In a bright flash, Traitor exchanged his subatomic world for the Earth. As the Earth shrank, the subatomic world grew. The sole exceptions were the power ring and the Atom, but the Atom was still able to shrink and escaped Traitor’s grasp by diving into the power ring. - Legends of the DC Universe #28-#29

Traitor planned for the Earth’s destruction within the power ring. The resulting explosion would destroy the power ring and the formerly subatomic world. The energy wave would expand outward until it destroyed the sun and cause a chain reaction across space. As more dead stars were created Traitor would grow stronger. Legends of the DC Universe #29


Seeing the chance to finally destroy his world and species, Dog activated a hidden destruct switch which vaporized the subatomic world. The force of the explosion sent the comatose Traitor towards the sun. The yellow rays shielded him from detection by Jordan's power ring. The sun's gravitational pull drew him into the hot, young star, far from the dark energies of dying stars. - Legends of the DC Universe #29, 37-38

Years later, Hal Jordan was corrupted by the Parallax fear entity and brought down the Green Lantern Corps. Jordan later sacrificed his life and power to reignite the sun which had been snuffed out by the Sun-Eater. In the time the sun was out, Traitor was able to absorb dead star radiation and escape before the sun was restored. -GREEN LANTERN 3rd series # 50, FINAL NIGHT, Legends of the DC Universe #37

After freeing himself from his latest imprisonment, Traitor had waited until he had absorbed enough dead star power to emerge from hiding. His first target on his path to universal destruction was the planet Ramnos . Traitor battled Stellara, the last in a long line of Stellaran warriors that had protected Ramnos for forty-thousand generations. All of Ramnos watched as Stellara fell in battle to Traitor, and following her DNA encoding, became his slave. She was unable to prevent Traitor from utterly obliterating her homeworld. -- Legends of the DC Universe #37

Traitor sent Stellara to Earth to seek out the last Green Lantern, Kyle Rayner. Rayner's roommate, Jade/Jennie-Lynn Hayden, was placed in a stasis field while Stellara waited in the Greenwich Village apartment for the ring wielder to arrive. Though Stellara asked Green Lantern for his assistance, she could not take the chance he might refuse. To this end, she tampered with Rayner's power battery. When Rayner charged his power ring he was instantaneously transported to the debris field that was Ramnos. Traitor had planned well, having Stellara betray the Green Lantern. Rayner was blasted by Stellara and slipped into unconsciousness. When he revived, Traitor crushed the power ring into dust and left Rayner stranded in space while he and Stellara traveled to Ungara to avenge Traitor’s first defeat. Traitor would destroy Ungara before attacking Earth. - Legends of the DC Universe #37

Traitor had underestimated Rayner, as the Green Lantern was able to reform the ring by sheer force of will. Despite this success, it was clear Rayner would ultimately lose as Traitor was growing stronger. Surprisingly, Stellara was able to overcome her DNA encoding and strike out at Traitor. Though her attack did not damage Traitor, it did distract him long enough for an electromagnetic pulse generated by Green Lantern to enter Traitor's body and shut him down from the inside. Stellara gave her life-force to restore the Green Lantern to health, but she would not survive as her body had begun destroying itself once she had risen against Traitor. She died shortly thereafter.

To prevent Traitor from absorbing more dead star radiation and becoming a threat once again, Rayner gathered the debris field that was the planet Ramnos and compressed it around the tyrant. Entombed at the planet's core, the dead star radiation would not reach him. Stellara was buried in a small grave on the newly reformed planet. - Legends of the DC Universe #38

Though Traitor has not been seen since, a possible future predicts he will rise once more and kill Green Lantern Hal Jordan, and the ring would be wielded by Helen Jordan. - Superman #657-658



For a definitive list of appearances of Traitor in chronological order click here