 Unofficial Justice League Europe Index

Justice League Europe 50


Cover Date: May 1993
Cover Price: $1.25


Cover Credits:
Pencils: Ron Randall (signed)

Story: "Red Winter 6: The Ice Breaks" (54 Pages)


StoryGerard Jones
PencilsRon Randall
InksRandy Elliott
ColorsGene D'Angelo
LetteringWillie Schubert
Assistant editingRuben Diaz
EditingBrian Augustyn

Feature Character(s):

Justice League Europe:
Flash III (joins Justice League International; next in Justice League Quarterly #9/3)
Elongated Man (joins Justice League International; next in Justice League Quarterly #9/3)
Crimson Fox (joins Justice League International; next in Justice League Quarterly #9/2)
Doctor Light IV (joins Justice League International; next in Justice League Task Force #1)
General Glory I (reservist; next in ???)
Huntress II (reservist; next in Detective Comics #662)
Black Canary II (reservist; next in ???)
Mister Miracle II (reservist; next in ???)
Tasmanian Devil (reservist; joins Justice League International)
Blue Jay (reservist; next in Avengers/JLA #4)
Metamorpho (reservist; joins Justice League International)
Power Girl (joins Justice League International; next in Justice League Quarterly #9/3)
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan; joins Justice League International; next in Green Lantern Vol. 3 #34)
Aquaman (next in Superman Vol. 2 #76)

Guest Star(s):

Justice Society of America:
Flash I (next in Justice Society of America Vol. 2 #9)
Green Lantern (Alan Scott; next in Justice Society of America Vol. 2 #8)
Wildcat II (next in Justice Society of America Vol. 2 #9)
Atom I (next in Justice Society of America Vol. 2 #9)
Doctor Mid-Nite I (next in Superman: The Man of Steel #20)
Justice League America:
Wonder Woman (next in Superman Vol. 2 #76)
Booster Gold (next in Justice League America #74)
Maxima (next in Superman Vol. 2 #76)
Agent Liberty (next in Justice League America #73)
Fire (next in Justice League America #74)
Bloodwynd II (next in Justice League America #73)
Guy Gardner (next in Superman Vol. 2 #76)

Supporting Character(s):

Sue Dibny (next in Justice League Quarterly #13/2)
Duke Donald (next in Justice League International Annual Vol. 2 #4)
Power Girl's Cat (next in Justice League International Vol. 2 #54)


Sonar (next in Joker: Last Laugh #2)
Rocket Red Brigade
Rocket Red (next in ???)
Paul Gambi (next in Flash Secret Files #2/1)
Injustice League:
Big Sir (next in Outsiders Vol. 2 #9)
Cluemaster (next in Robin Vol. 2 #1)
Clock King (next in Team Titans #13)
Major Disaster (next in Underworld Unleashed #1)
Mighty Bruce
Multi-Man (next in Outsiders Vol. 2 #9)
Bratwürst (last appearance)
Gyro (last appearance)
Il Calamari (last appearance)
L'Escargot (last appearance)
Lutefisk (last appearance)
Toad-in-the-Hole (last appearance)
Royal Flush Gang:
Ace of Spades IV (next in Adventures of Superman #520)
Jack of Spades II (next in Adventures of Superman #520)
King of Spades II (next in Adventures of Superman #520)
Queen of Spades II (next in Adventures of Superman #520)
Ten of Spades II (next in Adventures of Superman #520)
Global Guardians:
Bushmaster (next in Justice League Quarterly #17)
Doctor Mist (next in Zero Hour: Crisis in Time #4)
Godiva (next in Justice League Quarterly #17)
Impala (next in Justice League Quarterly #17)
Jack O'Lantern I (last appearance; dies some time after this story, as revealed in Primal Force #0)
Little Mermaid (next in JLA: Classified #2)
Olympian (next in Justice League Quarterly #17)
Owlwoman (next in flashback in Primal Force #3)
Rising Sun (next in Justice League Quarterly #17)
Thunderlord (next in Justice League Quarterly #17)
Tuatara (next in Justice League Quarterly #17)
Wild Huntsman II (next in Justice League Quarterly #17)
Baron Bedlam (last appearance)
Copperhead (next in Superboy Vol. 3 #11)

Other Character(s):

Chandi Gupta (takes the name Maya; joins Justice League International)
Citizens of Modora


Little Mermaid, when told that people thought she was dead, comments that her evil twin is the one who died.
This title changes to Justice League International.


Sonar believes that he has won - Sue Dibny is his and many heroes are under his command, either brainwashed or duped. And soon it seems that he has killed Green Lantern, Power Girl and Doctor Light. However, the JLA soon persuade the Global Guardians that they have been deceived and Mister Miracle escapes, freeing Aquaman in the process. Elongated Man gets a subtle message from Sue that she has fooled Sonar and the deaths of Green Lantern et al were faked as well. Soon, all the forces of the League are united against Sonar and once they learn how to undo his brainwashing, his plans are set in tatters.
Returning to England, Justice League Europe learns that the UN has expanded its charter to cover the entire world. Aquaman leaves the group for a combination of professional and personal reasons, but they are joined by reservists Metamorpho and Tasmanian Devil along with the new heroine Maya as Justice League International.