 Unofficial Firestorm, the Nuclear Man Index

Firestorm, the Nuclear Man 67


Cover Date: January 1988
Cover Price: $0.75


Cover Credits:
Pencils: Mark Bright
Inks: Dick Giordano

Story: "Dialogues" (22 Pages)


StoryJohn Ostrander
PencilsJ.J. Birch
InksSam De La Rosa
ColorsNansi Hoolahan
LetteringJanice Chiang
EditingDennis O'Neil

Feature Character(s):

Firestorm (Ron Raymond, Mikhail Arkadin and Martin Stein; appears in Millennium #1 following flashback in this issue; appearance on pages 1,2,6, and page 9, panels 1 through 4, page 13, panels 1 through 3 same as Millennium #1, pages 14 through 20; next in Millennium #4)

Guest Star(s):

Batman (on page 2 in between Millennium #1, pages 14 and 15; other appearances same as Millennium #1)
Black Lightning (on page 2 in between Millennium #1, pages 14 and 15; other appearances same as Millennium #1)
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan; on page 8 in between Millennium #1 pages 14 and 15; other appearances same as Millennium #1)
Halo (on page 13 in between Millennium #1, page 20, panels 4 and 5)
Katma Tui-Stewart (in between Millennium #1 and #2)
Arisia Rrab (appearance same as Millennium #1)
Blue Beetle II (appearance same as Millennium #1)
Doctor Fate II (appearance same as Millennium #1)
Flash III (appearance same as Millennium #1)
Green Lantern (Guy Gardner; appearance same as Millennium #1)
Herupa Hando Hu (appearance same as Millennium #1)
Katana (appearance same as Millennium #1)
Kilowog (appearance same as Millennium #1)
Looker (appearance same as Millennium #1)
Martian Manhunter (appearance same as Millennium #1)
Mister Miracle II (appearance same as Millennium #1)
Nadia Safir (appearance same as Millennium #1)
Superman (appearance same as Millennium #1)
Aquaman (behind the scenes, as revealed in Millennium #1)
Black Canary II (behind the scenes, as revealed in Millennium #1)
Booster Gold (behind the scenes, as revealed in Millennium #1)
Captain Atom (behind the scenes, as revealed in Millennium #1)
Geo-Force (behind the scenes, as revealed in Millennium #1)
Green Arrow (behind the scenes, as revealed in Millennium #1)
Hawkman II (behind the scenes, as revealed in Millennium #1)
Hawkwoman (behind the scenes, as revealed in Millennium #1)
Hourman II (behind the scenes, as revealed in Millennium #1)
Jade (behind the scenes, as revealed in Millennium #1)
Green Lantern (John Stewart; behind the scenes, as revealed in Millennium #1)
Metamorpho (behind the scenes, as revealed in Millennium #1)
Mister Bones (behind the scenes, as revealed in Millennium #1)
Obsidian (behind the scenes, as revealed in Millennium #1)
Rocket Red #7 (behind the scenes, as revealed in Millennium #1)
Skyman (behind the scenes, as revealed in Millennium #1)
Wildcat III (behind the scenes, as revealed in Millennium #1)

Supporting Character(s):

Felicity Raymond (next in issue #69)
Edward Raymond (next in issue #69)


Bernard Ferguson (last in Millennium #1; appearance page 14 same as Millennium #1, pages 21 and 22; next in Millennium #4)
Stalnoivolk (Ivan Illyich Gort; name translates into Steelwolf; first appearance; next in Doom Patrol and Suicide Squad Special #1)
Major Zastrow (next in Doom Patrol and Suicide Squad Special #1)


Green Lantern Salakk is mistakenly shown present at the meeting at the Green Lantern Citadel.