Created by Roy Thomas, Dann Thomas and Todd McFarlane


Real Name: Rick Tyler
Full Name: Richard "Rick" Tyler
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Artist, later adventurer
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Rex Tyler (father), Wendi Harris-Tyler (mother), Jesse Chambers-Tyler (wife), Libby Lawrence-Chambers (mother-in-law), Johnny Chambers (father-in-law, deceased)
Base of Operation: New Rochelle, NY
Group Affiliation(s): Formerly Infinity, Inc., JSA, Justice Society of America II, JSA All-Stars
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 186 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
First Appearance: Infinity, Inc. #20 (November 1985): "Crisis on Infinitors' Earth"
Creators: Roy Thomas, Dann Thomas and Todd McFarlane


The son of Hourman Rex Tyler, Rick initially disappointed his father by becoming an artist rather than a scientist. However, his relationship with his father remained strong, and when Rex disappeared, Rick took up the mantle of Hourman, becoming a member of young super-hero group Infinity, Inc. He used a supply of his father's Miraclo tablets, using them to gain hour-long bursts of speed and strength. He later contacted a rare disease which was eventually cured by the android Hourman, who also gave him the gift of some additional powers, including a limited precognition, and the precious gift of one hour to spend with his deceased father. As Hourman he is now a member of the new JSA.


Not yet available


For a definitive list of appearances of Hourman in chronological order click here


Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #10 (December 1985)

Who's Who in the DC Universe #5 (December 1990)
JLA/JSA Secret Files #1 (January 2003)