 Unofficial JLA Index

JLA 58

JLA #58

Cover Date: November 2001
Cover Price: $2.25


Cover Credits:
Pencils: Bryan Hitch
Inks: Paul Neary
Colors: Laura DePuy

Story: "Dying Breath" (23 Pages)


StoryMark Waid
PencilsMike S. Miller
InksPaul Neary
ColorsDavid Baron
Color separationsDavid Baron
LetteringKen Lopez
EditingDan Raspler, Stephen Wacker

Feature Character(s):

Superman (next in ???)
Batman (next in ???)
Martian Manhunter (next in ???)
Wonder Woman
Flash III (next in ???)
Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner; next in ???)
Plastic Man (next in ???)
Atom II (next in ???)


White Martians
Protex (last appearance)
Primaid (last appearance)
Z'ush (last appearance)
other White Martians

Guest Appearance(s):

Sand (last/next in ???)
Atom Smasher II (last in JSA #25; next in JSA: Our Worlds at War #1)
Captain Marvel (last/next in ???)
Doctor Fate IV (last in ???; next in JSA: Our Worlds at War #1)
Hawkgirl II (last/next in ???)
Mister Terrific II (last/next in ???)
Sentinel (last/next in ???)
Star-Spangled Kid II (last/next in ???)
Wildcat II (last/next in ???)
Argent (last/next in ???)
Arsenal IV (last/next in ???)
Blue Beetle II (last/next in ???)
Faust (last/next in ???)
Firestorm II (last/next in ???)
Huntress II (last/next in ???)
Madame Xanadu (last/next in ???)
Nightwing II (last/next in ???)
Phantom Stranger (last/next in ???)
Superboy (last/next in ???)
Zatanna (next in Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #174)


Although fire has returned to the earth and the White Martians are once more vulnerable, they are making short work of Earth's heroes nonetheless. In the Phantom Zone, J'onn explains his plan to the rest of the League, then removes all memory of it from them until it is activated by specific events. Escaping from the Zone with the help of an outside agent, they then bring the Martians to the moon, and then bring the moon into the atmosphere in order to take the Martians by surprise with a devastating flame attack. Their plans have been coordinated with the help of the Atom, hidden within J'onn's brain for much of the time.
J'onn then forces the Martians to either burn to death or enter the Phantom Zone; they choose the second option just in time for J'onn himself to survive the exposure to flame. The return of the Martians had been due to his wish when exposed to Id - not to be alone. As Batman points out to him, 'You are in the Justice League. You are never alone.'