 Unofficial Hero Hotline Index

Hero Hotline 6


Cover Date: September 1989
Cover Price: $1.75


Cover Credits:
Pencils: Sven DeCarlo (Signed)
Inks: Pete Picasso (Signed)

Story: [No Title] (22 Pages)


StoryBob Rozakis
PencilsStephen DeStefano
InksKarl Kesel
ColorsBob Rozakis
LetteringJohn Costanza
EditingBrian Augustyn

Feature Character(s):

Hero Hotline:
Coordinator (behind the scenes; last appearance)
Diamondette (next in Superboy Vol. 3 #65)
Hotshot (next in Guy Gardner: Warrior #29)
Private Eyes (next in Guy Gardner: Warrior #29)
Stretch (next in Guy Gardner: Warrior #29)
Voice-Over (next in Final Crisis: Superman Beyond #1)
Microwavabelle (next in Guy Gardner: Warrior #29)
Mister Muscle (formerly Mister Mighty; next in Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #175)

Supporting Character(s):

Suzy-Q (last appearance)
Fred (last appearance)
Ellie Longacre (last appearance)
Batmyte (first appearance; next in Guy Gardner: Warrior #29; see Comment)
Roderick C. Broderick (last in Action Comics Weekly #640/3)
the Hotline operators (including the dog-faced one; last in issue #4)
other Hotline staff


Calculator (last in Blue Beetle Vol. 2 #8; next in Justice League America #43)
Calculator's henchmen (including 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; first appearance of all)
Eric F. Schuster (last, behind the scenes, in issue #3)

Guest Appearance(s):

Flash III (last/next in ???)
Dingbats of Danger Street:
Good Looks (last in 1st Issue Special #6; next in Adventures of Superman #521)
Non-Fat (last in 1st Issue Special #6; next in Adventures of Superman #521)
Krunch (last in 1st Issue Special #6; next in Adventures of Superman #521)
Bananas (last in 1st Issue Special #6; next in Adventures of Superman #521)

Other Character(s):

Alberto Rosario (last in issue #3)
Mrs. Bartoli
a judge
a prosecutor
a court assembly


"Batmyte" (not to be confused with the Bat-Mite) is an orange bat-like creature flying around the Hotline HQ. Not given a name in the issue, he was later named by DC fan Richard Meyer, and Bob Rozakis declared the name "official".


Thanks to Ellie, Mister Muscle is freed from all charges in court as she can prove that Ralph Bartoli was murdered by his own lawyer, Eric F. Schuster.
Meanwhile, the man behind the recent attacks on Hero Hotline is revealed as the super-villain called the Calculator. He takes out the Hotline members one by one, then attacks the Hotline HQ to get his revenge on the Coordinator. However, the Hotline members have a few tricks up their proverbial sleeves, and defeat the villain.
Other events include Fred appearing on the Alberto Rosario show, and Marie the Psychic Turtle is reported to be pregnant.