 Unofficial Gotham Central Index

Gotham Central 6


Cover Date: June 2003
Cover Price: $2.50


Cover Credits:
Art: Michael Lark
Colors: Matt Hollingsworth
Color Separations: Matt Hollingsworth

Story: "Half a Life, Part One" (22 Pages)


StoryGreg Rucka
ArtMichael Lark
ColorsMatt Hollingsworth
LetteringWillie Schubert
Assistant editingNachie Castro
EditingMatt Idelson

Feature Character(s):

Det. Renée Montoya
Det. Marcus Driver
Det. Crispus Allen
Cpt. Maggie Sawyer
Det. Eric Cohen
Det. Sgt. Vincent Del Arrazio
Det. Nate Patton
Det. Romy Chandler
Det. Tommy Burke
Det. Dagmar Procjnow

Supporting Character(s):

Hernando Montoya
Louisa Montoya (Renée's parents)
Inspector Manny Esperanza (last in Detective Comics #762; next in issue #8)


Matt Conway (first appearance; a corrupt Internal Affairs officer)
Paul Marra (a junkie and thief)

Other Character(s):

Brian Selker (a private investigator; dies off-panel after appearing in flashback)
Mister Herrera (Renée's neighbor)
Officer Lowe (from Robbery)
Miss Lavelle (owner of a lingerie shop; first appearance of all)


Continues in the next issue


Renée Montoya has a very bad day. She is served while jogging in the park, as Marty Lipari, a rapist she failed to put away, is suing her for damages. She and Crispus Allen then get landed with a cold case from robbery, though they are able to wrap it up straight away. She then has an awkward dinner with her parents, who are anxious to become grandparents. That evening, she meets up with an old friend, and the next morning receives a visit from Esperanza and Conway of internal affairs. Brian Selker, a private investigator hired by Lipari, has been found dead, probably at Lipari's hand, and she should take care lest she run afoul of him as well. And when she gets in to work, a photograph has been pinned to the noticeboard, a photograph of her kissing another woman.