Unofficial Detective Comics Index |
Story | Bob Gale |
Art | Phil Winslade |
Inks | Sal Buscema |
Colors | Pamela Rambo |
Color separations | Wildstorm FX |
Lettering | Elle deVille |
Associate editing | Joseph Illidge |
Editing | Jordan B. Gorfinkel |
Group editing | Dennis O'Neil |
Feature Character(s):
- Batman (last in Batman Vol. 1 #566; also in flashback to childhood; next in Young Justice in No Man's Land #1)
Supporting Character(s):
- James Gordon (last in Batman Vol. 1 #566; next in Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #119)
- Batgirl II
- Mackenzie Bock (in between Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #116 and #119)
- Harvey Bullock (next in Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #119)
- Sarah Essen-Gordon (next in Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #119)
- Renée Montoya (next in Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #119)
- Alfred Pennyworth (in between Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #118 and #119; also in flashback)
- Thomas Wayne (in flashback)
- Martha Wayne (in flashback)
- Penguin (last in Batman: Shadow of the Bat #85; next in Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #119)
- Penguin's gang
Other Character(s):
- Lou Peck (first appearance; owner of Peck's Drugstore; in flashback)
- Thomas (first appearance; an infant)
- Genevieve (first appearance; cares for Thomas)
- Catherine (first appearance; cares for Thomas)