 Unofficial Batman Index

Batman 535 (Cover A)


Cover Date: October 1996
Cover Price: $1.95


Cover Credits:
Art: Kelley Jones (signed), Kelley Jones (signed) (Cover B)

Variant Cover:
Cover B

Story: "The Ogre and the Ape" (36 Pages)
"Chapter One: 20,000 Volts of Vengeance!"
"Chapter Two: The Writing on the Wall"
"Chapter Three: Gothic Garret"
"Chapter Four: Intelligence Squared"
"Chapter Five: Man and Ape"
"Chapter Six: Murder One Times Two"
"Chapter Seven: Ogre's Evolution"
"Chapter Eight: Hardback's Hieroglyphics"
"Chapter Nine: The Miracle Mistake"
"Chapter Ten: Gorillas of Gotham"
"Chapter Eleven: Canvas Clues"
"Chapter Twelve: Gentlemen of Gotham"
"Chapter 13: Miracle and Murder"
"Chapter Fourteen: Erasures and Additions"
"Chapter 15: The Oracle's Advice"
"Chapter 16: Meeting in the Middle"


StoryDoug Moench
PencilsKelley Jones
InksJohn Beatty
ColorsGregory Wright
Color separationsAndroid Images
LetteringTodd Klein
Associate editingJordan B. Gorfinkel
EditingDennis O'Neil

Feature Character(s):

Batman (last in Azrael #23)

Supporting Character(s):

Oracle (last in Robin Vol. 2 #33)
Alfred Pennyworth (last in Azrael #23)
James Gordon (last in Batman: Shadow of the Bat #55)
Harvey Bullock (last in Batman: Shadow of the Bat #55)
Mackenzie Bock (last in Batman: G.C.P.D. #4)
Mortimer Gunt (in between issues #529 and #539)


Ogre (Michael Adams; first appearance; also in flashback)
Ape II (first appearance; also in flashback)
Dr. Winston Belmont (an endocrinologist)
Dr. Ren Chopra (a specialist in "intelligence research")
Dr. Jared Barzinski (a geneticist)
Dr. Malmstadt (a brain specialist)
Dr. Franklin Gould (a researcher in simian studies; all five members of Project Mirakle; all except Gould die; all five also in flashback)
Daryl '235' Jackson (first appearance; a grafitti artist; in flashback)

Other Character(s):

Benito 'Boy B' Benavides (first appearance; a grafitti artist; in flashback; deceased)