Unofficial Batman Index |
Cover Date: October 1996
Cover Price: $1.95
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Cover Credits:
Art: Kelley Jones (signed), Kelley Jones (signed) (Cover B)
"Chapter Two: The Writing on the Wall"
"Chapter Three: Gothic Garret"
"Chapter Four: Intelligence Squared"
"Chapter Five: Man and Ape"
"Chapter Six: Murder One Times Two"
"Chapter Seven: Ogre's Evolution"
"Chapter Eight: Hardback's Hieroglyphics"
"Chapter Nine: The Miracle Mistake"
"Chapter Ten: Gorillas of Gotham"
"Chapter Eleven: Canvas Clues"
"Chapter Twelve: Gentlemen of Gotham"
"Chapter 13: Miracle and Murder"
"Chapter Fourteen: Erasures and Additions"
"Chapter 15: The Oracle's Advice"
"Chapter 16: Meeting in the Middle"
Story | Doug Moench |
Pencils | Kelley Jones |
Inks | John Beatty |
Colors | Gregory Wright |
Color separations | Android Images |
Lettering | Todd Klein |
Associate editing | Jordan B. Gorfinkel |
Editing | Dennis O'Neil |
Feature Character(s):
- Batman (last in Azrael #23)
Supporting Character(s):
- Oracle (last in Robin Vol. 2 #33)
- Alfred Pennyworth (last in Azrael #23)
- James Gordon (last in Batman: Shadow of the Bat #55)
- Harvey Bullock (last in Batman: Shadow of the Bat #55)
- Mackenzie Bock (last in Batman: G.C.P.D. #4)
- Mortimer Gunt (in between issues #529 and #539)
- Ogre (Michael Adams; first appearance; also in flashback)
- Ape II (first appearance; also in flashback)
- Dr. Winston Belmont (an endocrinologist)
- Dr. Ren Chopra (a specialist in "intelligence research")
- Dr. Jared Barzinski (a geneticist)
- Dr. Malmstadt (a brain specialist)
- Dr. Franklin Gould (a researcher in simian studies; all five members of Project Mirakle; all except Gould die; all five also in flashback)
- Daryl '235' Jackson (first appearance; a grafitti artist; in flashback)
Other Character(s):
- Benito 'Boy B' Benavides (first appearance; a grafitti artist; in flashback; deceased)