Created by William Moulton Marston (historical "Mars"); George Pérez (canonical "Ares")

Ares (Olympian Gods).png
Ares (Olympian Gods)


Aliases: Mars; Ares Buchanon
Occupation: Greek god of war, conflict and death
Status: Deceased
Place of Death: Themyscira
Citizenship: Olympian
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Zeus (father); Hera (mother); Hades (uncle, deceased); Poseidon (brother); Hestia (aunt); Demeter (aunt); Cronus (grandfather, deceased); Rhea (grandmother, deceased); Persephone (half-sister); Pallas Athena (half-sister); Dionysos (half-brother), Heracles (half-brother); Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandsmark) (half-sister); Hephaestus (half-brother); Hebe (half-sister); Phoebus Apollo (half-brother); Artemis (half-sister); Hermes (half-brother); Eris (daughter, deceased), Harmonia (daughter, deceased); Deimos (son, deceased); Phobos (son, deceased); Hippolyta (alleged descendant); Wonder Woman (Diana) (alleged descendant); Lycus (son, deceased); Lyta Milton (daughter)
Base of Operation: Formerly Olympus: formerly the Areopagus; formerly Hades; currently unknown
Group Affiliation(s): Olympian Gods
Gender: Male
Height: 6'10"
Weight: 359 lbs.
Eyes: Red
Hair: Blond
First Appearance: (historical "Mars"): Wonder Woman Vol. 1 #1 (Summer 1942); (canonical "Ares"): Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #1 (February 1987)
Creators: William Moulton Marston (historical "Mars"); George Pérez (canonical "Ares")


Ares was the god of war in Greek mythology, and because of the ongoing conflicts and strife in the world one of the most powerful Olympian Gods. For about 3,000 years, the Greek and Roman versions of the Olympians (including Ares/Mars) were separate entities. They were only recently merged again. Ares has been an enemy of the Amazons of Themyscira for millennia and has repeatedly clashed with their champion Wonder Woman). Recently he, seemed to meet his death at the hands of Wonder Woman, but his spirit still lingers.


Not yet available


For a definitive list of appearances of Ares in chronological order click here


Who's Who: Update '87 #1 (August 1987)

Who's Who in the DC Universe #8 (April 1991)