WONDER GIRL II (Cassandra "Cassie" Sandsmark) | BIOGRAPHY |
Created by John Byrne |
Real Name: Cassandra "Cassie" Sandsmark
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Student
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Helena Sandsmark (mother), Zeus (father), Ares (uncle), the rest of the Olympian pantheon (relatives)
Group Affiliation(s): Teen Titans; formerly Young Justice
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 2"
Weight: 105 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond (originally wore a black wig to hide her identity)
First Appearance: (as Cassie Sandsmark): Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #105 (January 1996)
(as Wonder Girl II): Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #111 (July 1996)
Creators: John Byrne
A friend of Wonder Woman, who 'borrowed' various Amazonian artefacts to help her when she was in trouble. This act of valour so impressed Zeus, the father of the Greek gods, that he granted her powers of her own (to the horror of her mother, Helena Sandsmark), entrusting her training to Wonder Woman and Artemis. Wonder Girl is headstrong and quick-witted and soon became a valued member of the super-hero community, spending much time with fellow young heroes in Young Justice.
When that group disbanded, she joined the new Teen Titans to learn more about being a hero, and at around this time she also discovered that Zeus was her true father. The Teen Titans became her closest friends and she grew particularly close to Superboy, forming a romantic relationship with him that was cut brutally short by his death in the 'Infinite Crisis'. In the year that followed, her path took her away from the Teen Titans, who she felt had let her down, and got her involved with some very strange people. She would later returns to the Teen Titans once more, after having been brought back together with them when pursuing the Brotherhood of Evil.
For a definitive list of appearances of Wonder Girl in chronological order click here (1996-2011) and here (2011-present)
Wonder Woman Secret Files #1 (March 1998)
Young Justice Secret Files #1 (January 1999)
Young Justice: Sins of Youth Secret Files #1 (May 2000)
Wonder Woman Secret Files #3 (May 2002)