

Aliases: Chronus, Chronos, Kronos, Saturn, Changer
Occupation: Greek god of the earth; Skyfather; Ruler of the Titans of Myth
Status: Active
Marital Status: Widowed
Known Relatives: Rhea (sister, wife, deceased); Zeus (son); Hera (daughter); Hestia (daughter); Demeter (daughter); Hades (son, deceased); Poseidon (son); numerous demonic offspring
Base of Operation: Formerly Mount Olympus
Group Affiliation(s): Titans of Myth
Gender: Male
Hair: White (formerly brown)
First Appearance: (canonical:) New Teen Titans Vol. 1 #11 (September 1981); New Titans #51 (winter 1988); (revamp:) Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #145 (June 1999)


Cronus was a Titan of Greek myth and the father of all the Olympian Gods. He was himself the son of Uranus (the sky) and Gaea (the earth). Through his heritage, he acted as both skyfather for a new dynasty of gods as well as the god of the harvest. He was overthrown by his sons and seemingly killed, but he has since been revived and returned to try to overthrow several of Earth's pantheons as well as try to destroy the Furies by targeting Lyta Hall.


Not yet available


For a definitive list of appearances of Cronus in chronological order click here