 Unofficial Action Comics Index

Action Comics 775


Cover Date: March 2001
Cover Price: $3.75


Cover Credits:
Art: Tim Bradstreet (signed)
Colors: Grant Goleash, Tanya Horie, Richard Horie

Story: "What's So Funny About Truth, Justice, & the American Way?" (39 Pages)


StoryJoe Kelly
PencilsDoug Mahnke, Lee Bermejo
InksTom Nguyen, Dexter Vines, Jim Royal, José Marzan, Jr., Wade Von Grawbadger, Wayne Faucher
ColorsRob Schwager
EditingEddie Berganza

Feature Character(s):

Superman (next in ???)

Supporting Character(s):

Jimmy Olsen (next in ???)
Lois Lane (next in ???)
Perry White (last/next in ???)
Lex Luthor (next in Supergirl Vol. 4 #55)
Amanda Waller (last/next in ???)
Sam Lane (next in ???)
Mercy Graves (last in ???; next in Supergirl Vol. 4 #55)
Steel III (last/next in ???)
Jonathan Kent (next in ???)


Samurai Roshu (first appearance; a group of Japanese metahuman terrorists; die)
The Elite
Manchester Black (first appearance; next in Adventures of Superman #593)
Coldcast (first appearance; next in issue #795)
The Hat (first appearance; next in issue #795)
Menagerie (first appearance; next in issue #795)
Klee-Tees (first appearance; members of an alien race allergic to water)
Rogue D.E.O. Agents

Guest Appearance(s):

Jack Ryder (last/next in ???)


A group of meta-humans calling themselves the Elite suddenly appear on the world scene and Superman doesn't like it. They are able to stop some heavy-duty terrorists, but not without killing them, and not without huge, and unnecessary, loss of civilian life. However, many people think that the Elite are the way forwards, the only way to deal with increasingly more dangerous evil-doers. Superman, however, resolutely refuses to kill.
Eventually, the Elite challenge him to a battle, which he requests be held on Jupiter's moon Io so that no-one else can be injured in the fight. Broadcast to television screens all over Earth, it initially looks like Superman is defeated in a matter of seconds, but then Manchester Black, leader of the Elite, sees his team-mates fall apart around him, killed by Superman, who claims he realized this was the only way. Black also discovers himself without any powers; Superman reveals now that the rest of the Elite are alive and well and the Black himself has been hit with a form of localized concussion. The Elite may well be back, and Superman will face them again, and defeat them again, but he will not kill to do so.