Created by Robert Bernstein and Kurt Schaffenberger |
Aliases: General Lane
Occupation: US Army General
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Lois; Lucy (daughters); Ella (wife)
Gender: Male
First Appearance: Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #13 (November 1959): "Introducing ... Lois Lane's Parents!"
(Modern): Adventures of Superman #424 (January 1987)
Creators: Robert Bernstein and Kurt Schaffenberger
Sam Lane was a rough-edge military man who fought in the Vietnam War. There, he befriended Slade Wilson, the man who would become known as Deathstroke the Terminator. Sam later married a woman named Elinor, but was disappointed that she only gave birth to girls, Lois and Lucy. The disappointment in Lois later grew to enmity, and it was only later in their lives that they made some kind of amends. Sam was not too fond of his wimpy sons-in-law (Clark Kent and Ron Troupe, respectively), either. Recently, Sam Lane became the U.S. Secretary of Defense in Lex Luthor's Presidental Cabinet. He sacrificed his life in battle against an Imperiex probe.
For a definitive list of appearances of Sam Lane in chronological order click here (1959-2011) and here (2011-present)