Unofficial Action Comics Index |
Cover Date: March 1992
Cover Price: $1.00
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Cover Credits:
Pencils: Dan Jurgens (signed)
Inks: Bob McLeod (signed)
Story | Roger Stern |
Pencils | Bob McLeod |
Inks | Denis Rodier |
Colors | Glenn Whitmore |
Lettering | Bill Oakley |
Editing | Mike Carlin |
Feature Character(s):
- Superman (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
Guest Star(s):
- Agent Liberty (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Aquaman (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Batman (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Big Barda (last, behind the scenes, in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Blue Beetle II (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next, behind the scenes, in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Booster Gold (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Captain Marvel (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Crimson Fox (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next, behind the scenes, in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Deathstroke (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Doctor Fate III (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Elongated Man (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Fire (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Flash III (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Green Lantern (Guy Gardner; last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Ice (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Kilowog (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Lar Gand (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Metamorpho (last, behind the scenes, in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Mister Miracle II (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Nightwing II (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Rocket Red (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Starman V (last, behind the scenes, in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Supergirl (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Thorn II (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next, behind the scenes, in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Wonder Woman (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Orion (last, behind the scenes, in Adventures of Superman #488; behind the scenes; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Lightray (last, behind the scenes, in Adventures of Superman #488; behind the scenes; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Metron (last, behind the scenes, in Adventures of Superman #488; behind the scenes; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Draaga (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Team Luthor
- Infinity Man (last in ???; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Forever People
- Beautiful Dreamer (last, behind the scenes, in Adventures of Superman #488; next in ???)
- Big Bear (last, behind the scenes, in Adventures of Superman #488; next in ???)
- Mark Moonrider (last, behind the scenes, in Adventures of Superman #488; next in ???)
- Serifan (last, behind the scenes, in Adventures of Superman #488; next in ???)
- Vykin the Black (last, behind the scenes, in Adventures of Superman #488; next in ???)
- Metal Men
- Gold (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Iron (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Lead (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Tin (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Mercury (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Platinum (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
Supporting Character(s):
- Jimmy Olsen (in between Superman: The Man of Steel #9 and #10)
- Dan Turpin (next in Adventures of Superman #491)
- Ron Troupe (in between Adventures of Superman #484 and #490)
- Dubbilex (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Gangbuster (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Guardian III (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Collin Thornton (last in Superman: The Man of Steel #9; next in Superman Vol. 2 #66)
- Metropolis S.C.U.
- Brainiac (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Maxima (last in Adventures of Superman #488; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Warworld
Other Character(s):
- Dean (first appearance; a helicopter pilot; next in Superman: The Man of Steel #10)
- Bayas (first appearance; an officer of the S.C.U.)
- Draaga recognizes that an alliance with Brainiac might have been a big mistake so he switches camps, leading to a team-up with Superman.