Unofficial Superman: The Man of Steel Index |
Cover Date: August 2001
Cover Price: $2.25
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Cover Credits:
Pencils: Doug Mahnke
Inks: Tom Nguyen
Colors: Tanya Horie, Richard Horie
Story | Mark Schultz |
Pencils | Doug Mahnke |
Inks | José Marzan, Jr. |
Lettering | Ken Lopez |
Colors | Wildstorm FX |
Editing | Tom Palmer, Jr., Eddie Berganza |
Feature Character(s):
- Superman (last in Orion #13; next in Action Comics #780)
Guest Star(s):
- Maxima (last in Superman Vol. 2 #159; next in JLA: Our Worlds at War #1)
- Starfire III (last in Superman: Our Worlds at War Secret Files #1; next in JLA: Our Worlds at War #1)
- Grayven (last in Superman: Our Worlds at War Secret Files #1)
- Adam Strange (last in Superman: Our Worlds at War Secret Files #1)
- Massacre (last in Superman Vol. 2 #159; next in issue #117)
- Mongal (last in Superman Vol. 2 #170; next in World's Finest: Our Worlds at War #1)
Supporting Character(s):
- Lois Lane (last in Adventures of Superman #593; next in JLA: Our Worlds at War #1)
- Maggie Sawyer
- Jimmy Olsen (last in Batman: Our Worlds at War #1; next in Harley Quinn: Our Worlds at War #1)
- Bibbo Bibbowski (last in Action Comics #771; next in Superboy Vol. 3 #97)
- Natasha Irons (behind the scenes)
- Pat Dugan (last in issue #114; behind the scenes; next in JSA: Our Worlds at War #1)
- Perry White (behind the scenes)
Guest Appearance(s):
- Darkseid (last in Orion #15; next in Action Comics #780)
Synopsis: - Clark Kent wakes up to find himself alongside the rest of the population of Metropolis in somewhere that definitely isn't his apartment. When strange alien beings arrive to say that they are all safe, he uses the distraction to sneak away and into the belly of what he soon discovers is a large spaceship. As he does so, Lois and Maggie Sawyer begin to lead the people of Metropolis by acting as their liaison with the aliens.
- Clark/Superman is discovered by some of the alien crew of the ship, who attack him, the fight eventually erupting out of an airlock and endangering the hull of the ship, putting the lives of millions of people at risk. Attempting to seal the breach in the hull, Superman encounters Maxima, who is present along with a collection of other aliens of Superman's acquaintance, both friend and foe. They all try to persuade him that they are acting for Earth's benefit, and that their commander has made contact with Earth's leader and is now preparing to occupy Metropolis. Their arguments get them nowhere, so Adam Strange transports Superman to a place where their enemy, Imperiex, has struck before - an entire galaxy missing, formerly Maxima's home. Superman is convinced to return to Earth where he'll be most needed, and leave the people of his city to the care of those on the 'space ark'. When he arrives back on Earth, he discovers that the leader of the alliance is none other than Darkseid...