Created by Karl Kesel and Tom Grummett - Profile written by Nik Stanosheck



Occupation: Professional criminal
Status: Deceased
Marital Status: Single
Group Affiliation(s): Suicide Squad
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Reddish-brown
First Appearance: Superboy Vol. 3 #1 (February 1994): "Trouble In Paradise!"
Creators: Karl Kesel and Tom Grummett - Profile written by Nik Stanosheck


A brilliant inventor and an obsessive collector of advanced technology who has been responsible for many difficulties faced by Superboy .


The first time Sidearm showed up was on the day Superboy was born and escaped from project Cadmus. Superboy was flying through Metropolis when he saw Sidearm trying to rob a bank. Superboy thought he had the same powers as Superman, since at this time he had just been born, and tried to slag Sidearm's robotic tentacles with heat vision, which he now knows that power is not one of his abilities. Sidearm was gaining the upper hand in the fight when Superboy "freaked out" when he was held by Sidearm's tentacles and a short circuit appeared to occur. Neither Sidearm nor Superboy knew what happened, but Superboy figured out later on it was his tactile telekinesis that caused it. Superboy Vol. 3 #0

Sidearm later met Superboy in Hawaii when he was getting more ammunition from "the Technician", a genius when it comes to creating high tech stuff. In that fight, Sidearm fared slightly better since this time his weaponry had a robotic arm which was capable of actually causing harm to Superboy, and for some inconsistent reason Superboy couldn't just take it apart by tactile telekinesis like last time. His new arsenal also had a laser cannon, and lasers are one of many vulnerabilities Superboy has. Regardless, Superboy still beat him. Superboy Vol. 3 #1

They met after that at an airport in Hawaii. This time, Sidearm carried a "Tech-vest," a device that allowed Sidearm to find anything mechanical and use it's potential against Superboy. Doc Hamilton just happened to be in the area at the time, and Sidearm stole Hamilton's prosthetic robotic arm in hopes that it might help him, but the only use the arm had was to supply Hamilton with sunscreen. This was a sad fight. Superboy Vol. 3 #0

In exchange for a government pardon for his crimes, Sidearm joined the Suicide Squad to stop the Silicon Dragons. Once entering their undersea base, he threatened to kill the Squad leader who was special agent Sam Makoa to take him back up to dry land since he only got that far for the pardon. Fortunately for Makoa, King Shark was around, and due to a belt that both the Shark and Makoa were wearing, Makoa's death would mean the Shark's death as well. Sidearm was killed by King Shark as a result.


Sidearm had no powers, but he was supplied high tech weaponry by the Technician.


For a definitive list of appearances of Sidearm in chronological order click here