Created by Grant Morrison and Richard Case


Real Name: Sachiko
Citizenship: Japanese
Group Affiliation(s): Brotherhood of Dada
Gender: Female
Hair: Black
First Appearance: Doom Patrol Vol. 2 #26 (September 1989): "Nowhere Man"
Creators: Grant Morrison and Richard Case


A Japanese girl with a very confused mind, the Quiz joined Mister Nobody's Brotherhood of Dada to help bring a new and wonderful world. The Brotherhood were defeated by the Doom Patrol and trapped into a mystic painting. Later, Mister Nobody escaped and created a new Brotherhood of Dada, with the ambition to save his former comrades from imprisonment in the painting. However, all the new Brotherhood members were killed and the painting destroyed in a clash with the U.S. Army. Presumably, the Quiz died when the painting was destroyed. The Quiz was an incredibly powerful being, potentially wielding "every super-power that you have not thought of yet". To make her lose one of her powers, you only had to say it out loud.


For a definitive list of appearances of The Quiz in chronological order click here