Created by Edmond Hamilton and John Forte (historical);


Real Name: Jan Arrah
Aliases: Element Lad, Starfinger
Homeworld: Trom
Race: Trommite
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Garra (mother; deceased); Tarn (father; deceased)
Base of Operation: U.P. Space, 30th Century (Earth-247 Universe)
Group Affiliation(s): Legion of Super-Heroes (Earth-247)
Gender: Male
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Blond
First Appearance: (Earth-247 version, as Jan Arrah): Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4 #71 (August 1995)
(Earth-247 version, as Starfinger): Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4 #76 (January 1996)
(Earth-247 version, as Element Lad): Legionnaires #37 (June 1996)
(Earth-247 version, as Progenitor): Legion Lost #10 (February 2001)
First Appearance (historical): Adventure Comics #307/2 (April 1963): "The Secret Power of the Mystery Super-Hero"
Creators: Edmond Hamilton and John Forte (historical);


Jan Arrah was the last survivor of the planet Trom after its destruction at the hands of Roxxas in the 31st century. Possessing the native Trommite ability to transmute elements, Jan was brainwashed into becoming the villain Starfinger and thus encountered the Legion of Super-Heroes. Later, he joined their ranks as Element Lad. Jan had a distinguished career with the Legion for years, and was often said to be one of their best.

Then came the Great Rift Crisis, which displaced half of the Legion and transported them to a faraway galaxy called Progenitor's Space. Element Lad, however, was displaced both in time and space. Billions of years in the past, he used his powers to put himself into suspened animation, waiting for his teammates to return as he watched galaxies being born and die. Getting bored, Jan eventually created his own galaxy - the one called the Progenitor's Space, and even learned how to create life. The experience made Jan grow indifferent to life and death. When the lost Legion was eventually reunited with Jan, he had become the Progenitor, a self-styled "God" who had decided to erase all races he had created except one, the Progeny, creating a streamlined universe without "variants". When the Legion tried to reason with him, Jan killed his teammate Monstress in cold blood. In the following battle, Jan was consumed by and merged with the monstrous Omniphagos. The Progenitor/Omniphagos creature was destroyed through the valiant sacrifice made by Legionnaire Live Wire, in an attack that killed all three of them. The galaxy was safe and the mourning Legionnaires could return home.


For a definitive list of appearances of Progenitor in chronological order click here


Legion of Super-Heroes Secret Files and Origins #1 (January 1998)