Created by Edmond Hamilton and Curt Swan |
Occupation: Dictator
Status: Defunct
Homeworld: Krypton
Space Sector: 2813
Base of Operation: Argo City, Krypton
Gender: Programmed as male
Eyes: None
Hair: None
First Appearance: Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #69 (June 1963): "The Dynamic Duo of Kandor"
Creators: Edmond Hamilton and Curt Swan
- Centuries ago the people of Argo City decided to have a technocratic government with a master computer to manage their affairs. They did not initially question the computer's directions, as it ordered the construction of 100 eight foot tall robots to serve as its Machine-Police. As it used the robots to enforce its will, the people realized they had made a Machine-King and rebelled.
After destroying the Machine-Police the citizens took part the Machine-King, taking vital elements that would prevent its reactivation. The rest was kept as a monument as a reminder to the future to learn from their mistakes. The relics (or perhaps a copy) are on display in Kandor. [1]
An artiifical intelligence within a massive computer frame, the Machine-King was immobile. It was not able to take action until its Machine-Police were created.,
For a definitive list of appearances of Machine-King, The in chronological order click here