Created by Len Wein and John Calnan


Lucius Fox first appeared in Batman Vol. 1 #307 (January 1979).

Below is the definitive list of appearances of Lucius Fox in chronological order. Flashback sequences or story entries will be followed by a [Flashback] note. Stories that for some reason are no longer part of current continuity will have a comment saying this in a note following the entry.

Follow the links for a complete index of the issue, including story and creator info as well as full character chronology and in some cases story synopses.

The chronology list can also be sorted according to Comic book title. Please note: If you want to go back to the chronological listing after having used the sorting tool you have to reload the page.

To go to the Lucius Fox biography click here.

Lucius Fox Chronology

Click to list by alphabetically by title
Batman Vol. 1 #326 (August 1980): "This Way Lies Madness" [Flashback]
Batman Vol. 1 #307 (January 1979): "Dark Messenger of Mercy"
Batman Vol. 1 #308 (February 1979): "There'll Be a Cold Time in the Old Town Tonight"
Batman Vol. 1 #310 (April 1979): "The Ghost Who Haunted Batman"
Batman Vol. 1 #312 (June 1979): "A Caper a Day Keeps the Batman Away"
Batman Vol. 1 #313 (July 1979): "Two for the Money!"
Batman Vol. 1 #314 (August 1979): "Once Beaten, Twice Sly!"
Batman Vol. 1 #315 (September 1979): "Danger on the Wing"
Batman Vol. 1 #316 (October 1979): "Color Me Deadly"
Batman Vol. 1 #317 (November 1979): "The 1,001 Clue Caper" or, "Why Did the Riddler Cross the Road?"
Batman Vol. 1 #318 (December 1979): "My City Burns at Both Ends--It Will Not Last the Night"
Batman Vol. 1 #319 (January 1980): "Never Give Up the Ghost"
Detective Comics #488 (February-March 1980): "The Spook's Death Sentence for Batman"
Batman Vol. 1 #321 (March 1980): "Dreadful Birthday, Dear Joker"
Batman Vol. 1 #323 (May 1980): "Shadow of the Cat"
Batman Vol. 1 #325 (July 1980): "Death--Twenty Stories High"
Detective Comics #493/3 (August 1980): "The Man in Black Wears Green"
Batman Vol. 1 #326 (August 1980): "This Way Lies Madness"
Untold Legend of the Batman #3 (September 1980): "The Man Behind the Mask"
Batman Vol. 1 #328 (October 1980): "Double Jeopardy"
Batman Vol. 1 #330 (December 1980): "Target"
Detective Comics #500/5 (March 1981): "The Batman Encounters Gray Face"
Detective Comics #501 (April 1981): "The Man Who Killed Mlle. Marie"
Detective Comics #502 (May 1981): "Who Shot Mlle. Marie?"
Batman Vol. 1 #331 (January 1981): "Closed Circuit"
Batman Vol. 1 #332 (February 1981): "Fallout!"
Batman Vol. 1 #333/2 (March 1981): "Shanghaied!"
Batman Vol. 1 #336 (June 1981): "While the Bat's Away"
Detective Comics #503 (June 1981): "Six Days of the Scarecrow"
Batman Vol. 1 #339 (September 1981): "A Sweet Kiss of Poison"
Batman Vol. 1 #342 (December 1981): "Requiem for a Hero"
Detective Comics #510 (January 1982): "Head-Hunt by a Mad Hatter"
Batman Vol. 1 #344 (February 1982): "Monster, My Sweet"
Detective Comics #511 (February 1982): "The 'I' of the Beholder"
Batman Vol. 1 #346 (April 1982): "Half a Hero--"
World's Finest Comics #286 (December 1982): "When Hell Breaks Loose"
Detective Comics #529 (August 1983): "The Thief of Night"
Batman and the Outsiders #1 (August 1983): "Wars Ended... Wars Begun!"
Batman and the Outsiders #2 (September 1983): "Markovia's Last Stand!"
Batman Vol. 1 #363 (September 1983): "Elegant Night Crimes"
Batman Vol. 1 #367 (January 1984): "The Green Ghosts of Gotham"
Detective Comics #534 (January 1984): "Brambles"
Detective Comics #542 (September 1984): "Between Two Nights"
Detective Comics #543 (October 1984): "Shadows of Vengeance"
Batman Vol. 1 #377 (November 1984): "The Slayer of Night"
Batman Vol. 1 #378 (December 1984): "One Hat Madder"
Detective Comics #545 (December 1984): "By Darkness Masked"
Batman Vol. 1 #379 (January 1985): "Bedtime Stories"
Batman Vol. 1 #383 (May 1985): "Just as Night Follows Day"
Batman Vol. 1 #386 (August 1985): "Black Mask: Losing Face"
Detective Comics #553 (August 1985): "The False Face Society of Gotham"
Detective Comics #559 (February 1986): "It Takes Two Wings to Fly"
Batman Vol. 1 #397 (July 1986): "Binary Brains"
Detective Comics #564 (July 1986): "Double Crosses"
Batman Vol. 1 #399 (September 1986): "Strike Two"
Batman Annual #10 (1986): "Down to the Bone"
Batman Vol. 1 #443 (January 1990): "The Coming of Crimesmith"
Batman Vol. 1 #444 (February 1990): "Crimesmith and Punishment"
Detective Comics #628 (April 1991): "Hearts"
Batman Vol. 1 #484 (September 1992): "Warpaint"
Batman Vol. 1 #485 (October 1992): "Faces of Death"
Batman Vol. 1 #487 (December 1992): "Box of Blood"
Batman Vol. 1 #488 (January 1993): "Costumes"
Detective Comics #657 (March 1993): "Null and Void"
Detective Comics #658 (April 1993): "Deciphered"
Batman Vol. 1 #495 (late June 1993): [Knightfall 7]: "Strange Deadfellows"
Batman: Shadow of the Bat #33 (December 1994): "Prodigal, Part Six"
Batman Vol. 1 #515 (February 1995): "Troika, Part 1: Dark Rider, Cold Warrior"
Batman: Shadow of the Bat #35 (February 1995): "Troika, Part Two"
Detective Comics #682 (February 1995): "The Doomsday Clock"
Robin Vol. 2 #14 (February 1995): "Big City Bomber"
Detective Comics #689 (September 1995): "The Blazing Heart"
Batman Vol. 1 #523 (October 1995): "Scarecrow, Part 1: Dark Wings Fly Away In Fear"
Black Canary/Oracle: Birds of Prey #1 (1996): "One Man's Hell"
Batman: Shadow of the Bat #53 (August 1996): "Hobson's Choice"
Detective Comics #702 (October 1996): "Second Chances"
Batman Vol. 1 #541 (April 1997): "The Spectre of Vengeance, Part 2: Mask of Guilt"
Detective Comics #708 (April 1997): "The Death Lottery, Part One: Heart of Glass"
Detective Comics #709 (May 1997): "The Death Lottery, Part II: Heart of Stone"
Batman Secret Files #1/3 (October 1997): "Lost Pages: How Batman Gets His Equipment"
Batman Vol. 1 #553 (April 1998): "Cataclysm, Part Three: Lifelines"
Batman Vol. 1 #554 (May 1998): "Cataclysm, Part 12: Master of Destruction"
Batman Vol. 1 #556 (July 1998): "Help, Trapped, Money, Rescue, Ruins"
Detective Comics #724 (August 1998): "The Grieving City"
Batman: Shadow of the Bat #78 (September 1998): "The Blank Generation, Part I: Corporate Nightmares"
Batman: Shadow of the Bat #79 (October 1998): "The Blank Generation, Part II: A Favorable Wind"
Batman Vol. 1 #562 (February 1999): [Bruce Wayne Goes To Washington, Part Three]: "The Devil His Due!"
Batman Vol. 1 #573 (January 2000): "Shellgame, Part I: Gambits"
Detective Comics #740 (January 2000): "Shellgame, Part II"
Batman: Shadow of the Bat #94 (February 2000): "Endgame - Epilogue: Days of Auld Lang Syne"
Detective Comics #743 (April 2000): "Evolution One: Whispers in the Dark"
Batman: Gotham Knights #4 (June 2000): "Samsara Part Two: Letting Go"
Detective Comics #748 (September 2000): "Urban Renewal, Part One"
Detective Comics #749 (October 2000): "Urban Renewal, Part Two"
Batman: Gotham Knights #8 (October 2000): "Transference, Part 1"
Nightwing Vol. 2 #49 (November 2000): "Dangled"
Detective Comics #750 (November 2000): "Dependence"
Detective Comics #751 (December 2000): "A Walk in the Park, Part One"
Batman Vol. 1 #585 (January 2001): "Measure for Measure"
Batman: Our Worlds at War #1 (August 2001): "Hidden Agenda"
Batman: Gotham Knights #23 (January 2002): "Fear of Success"
Detective Comics #779 (April 2003): "Dead Reckoning, Part Three"
Batman Vol. 1 #635 (February 2005): "Under the Hood, Part 1: New Business"
Detective Comics #829 (early May 2007): "Siege, Part 1"
Gotham Gazette #1 (May 2009): "Gotham Gazette: Batman Dead?"
Red Robin #2 (September 2009): "The Grail, Part Two" [Flashback]
Red Robin #3 (October 2009): "The Grail, Part Three"
Batman and Robin #4 (November 2009): "Revenge of the Red Hood, Part One: Red Right Hand"
Batman and Robin #5 (December 2009): "Revenge of the Red Hood, Part Two: Scarlet"
Red Robin #6 (January 2010): "Council of Spiders, Part Two"
Red Robin #7 (February 2010): "Council of Spiders, Part Three"
Red Robin #9 (April 2010): "Collision, Part One"
Batgirl Vol. 3 #8 (May 2010): "Batgirl Rising: Robins Are Red..."
Red Robin #11 (June 2010): "Collision, Part Three"
Red Robin #12 (July 2010): "Collision, The Conclusion"
Red Robin #13 (August 2010): "The Hit List, Part One: The Domino Effect"
Batman Vol. 1 #704 (January 2011): "Eye of the Beholder, Part One: Hear No Evil"
Batman Vol. 1 #706 (March 2011): "Eye of the Beholder, Part Three: Speak No Evil"
Batman Vol. 1 #707 (April 2011): "Eye of the Beholder, Conclusion: The Evil Within"
Batman and Robin #20 (April 2011): "Dark Knight vs. White Knight, Part 1 of 3: Tree of Blood"
Red Robin #23 (July 2011): "7 Days of Death, Part One: Little Triggers"
Red Robin #25 (September 2011): "7 Days of Death, Part Three: The Bigger Picture"