Unofficial Batman Index |
Cover Date: December 1984
Cover Price: $0.75
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Cover Credits:
Art: Klaus Janson (signed), Ed Hannigan (signed)
Story | Doug Moench |
Art | Don Newton, Alfredo Alcala |
Colors | Adrienne Roy |
Lettering | John Costanza |
Editing | Len Wein |
Feature Character(s):
- Batman (last in Detective Comics #544; next in Detective Comics #545)
Supporting Character(s):
- Alfred Pennyworth (last in Detective Comics #544)
- Robin II (last in Detective Comics #544)
- Julia Remarque
- Lucius Fox (next in Detective Comics #545)
- Mad Hatter (last in Detective Comics #526)
- Nocturna (last in Detective Comics #544)
Other Character(s):
- Amanda Groscz
- Gotham City citizens
- Mayor Hamilton Hill
- Gotham City
- Gotham Child Welfare Bureau
- The Mayor's Mansion
- This story is continued from Detective Comics #543 and is continued in Detective Comics #544.
- Bruce Wayne continues his war against Nocturna's adoption attempt in the courts while, as Batman, he must fight the recently escaped Thief of Night.