Created by Brian Augustyn and J.H. Williams III

Lan Dibbux.gif
Lan Dibbux; Art by J.H. Williams III


Occupation: Green Lantern
Homeworld: Unknown
Space Sector: 3192
Group Affiliation(s): Green Lantern Corps
Gender: Male
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: None
First Appearance: Showcase '93 #12 (December 1993): "The Color of Courage"
Creators: Brian Augustyn and J.H. Williams III


When a golden hued warship destroyed an unihabited planet at the edge of his Space Sector, Lan Dibbux realized he was in over his head. A rookie Green Lantern, with barely three months experience, he sent out a call for help. Hal Jordan, veteran Green Lantern of Earth, came to his aid. Dibbux hailed the ship to learn of its intent. The reply was a burst of yellow energy. The warship had targeted the inhabited world of Fae'en.

The two Green Lanterns flew to the planet's surface to warn the people of the danger. Strangely, the inhabitants did not seem concerned. They said that their protector would come to their aid. Jordan was confused by their responses, as the people claimed their protector was the Green Lantern.

This response was very confusing. Before Lan Dibbux arrived, Fae'en's sector of space had been without a Green Lantern for quite some time. As Lan and Hal discussed this, the warship launched drones to attack the populace. The people of Fae'en were being slaughtered.

Into the chaos flew Kristogar Velo, the so-called Green Lantern. Velo was regarded a hero by the people of Fae'en, which greatly upset Lan Dibbux. Velo's lasers destroyed the yellow drones while Dibbux and Jordan's power rings were ineffectual. Velo was about to be attacked from behind, when Jordan hit the drone with a block of stone.

The warship above them was a mechanism programmed to process its target world's resources. The three defenders retaliated against the warship. Dibbux and Jordan had slightly damaged the ship by hitting it with large stones, but it would take too long to disable all the ship's weapons. Kristogar Velo had a chance to defeat it, but his lasers were too ineffectual against the large ship.

Although his ring could not touch the ship, Lan Dibbux could add his power to Velo's. The power ring's energy was converted by Velo's weaponry as super charged laser blasts. After a few shots, the damaged warship left Fae'en.

Kristogar Velo thanked the two emerald warriors for their aid. He said he was reminded of his old friend Abin Sur. Many years before, the Ungaran Green Lantern had been an inspiration to him. When he arrived on Fae'en as their champion, he took the name Green Lantern to honor his friend.

The courage of Velo inspired Lan Dibbux, and he offered his aid whenever it was needed.

While Kristogar Velo was not an actual member of the Green Lantern Corps, Hal Jordan considered him a hero. Velo and rookie Lan Dibbux were both worthy of the title "Green Lantern".

When the Green Lantern Corps was reborn following Hal Jordan's return and the defeat of Parallax, Lan Dibbux once again joined the group. Presumably, Lan Dibux later fought Superboy-Prime alongside the rest of the Green Lantern Corps during the event known as Infinite Crisis and fought the Sinestro Corps during the event known as the Sinestro Corps War.

Lan Dibbux remained loyal to Hal Jordan, defending his fellow Lantern even though other Lanterns might whisper about Jordan's time as Parallax. In the years since originally joining the Green Lantern Corps, Lan Dibbux has proven himself to be a brilliant negotiator. He has often been called upon to negotiate when hostages, whether people or planets, have been taken.


As a Green Lantern, Lan Dibbux possesses a power ring and power battery.


For a definitive list of appearances of Lan Dibbux in chronological order click here (1993-2011) and here (2011-present)