Unofficial JLA Index |
JLA #39
Cover Date: March 2000
Cover Price: $1.99
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Cover Credits:
Pencils: Howard Porter
Inks: John Dell
Story | Grant Morrison |
Pencils | Howard Porter |
Inks | John Dell |
Lettering | Ken Lopez |
Colors | Pat Garrahy |
Color separations | Heroic Age |
Editing | Dan Raspler |
Feature Character(s):
- Batman (in flashback in Faces of Evil: Prometheus #1 in between pages 11 and 12)
- Superman
- Martian Manhunter (in flashback in Faces of Evil: Prometheus #1 in between pages 11 and 12)
- Wonder Woman
- Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner)
- Oracle
- Plastic Man
- Steel III
- Huntress II
- Orion
- Big Barda
Guest Star(s):
- Metron
- Aztek (next in issue #41)
- Blue Beetle II (next in issue #41)
- Booster Gold (next in issue #41)
- Mister Miracle II
- Elongated Man
- Firestorm II
- Superboy
- Red Tornado II
- Flash I
- Black Canary II
- Hawkgirl II
- Supergirl II (next in ???)
- Captain Atom (last in L.A.W. (Living Assault Weapons) #6)
- Captain Marvel (last in ???; next in issue #41)
- Mary Marvel (last in ???; next in issue #41)
- Captain Marvel Jr. (last/next in ???)
- Nightwing II (last in ???; next in issue #41)
- Power Girl (last in ???)
- Ray II (next in issue #41)
- Zatanna
- Warrior
Supporting Character(s):
- Sturmer (last appearance)
- Injustice Gang:
- Mageddon
Synopsis: - Aztek has been blinded by Mageddon, which he knows as the dark god Tezcatlipoca. Green Lantern arrives at the gathering of heroes, and, spurred on by Luthor, and Warrior organizes the defense of Earth. Sturmer takes the General to the Phantom Zone, where the two of them will presumably perish, after which Superman and Orion decide to take the fight straight to Mageddon itself. Huntress, meanwhile toys with the idea of killing Prometheus, for which Batman dismisses her from the League.
- In the Queen Bee's New York hive, Steel reveals that he is not under her control as she had thought; he and his JLA comrades start to do some damage to her hive, but Plastic Man is taken out before he can describe his cunning plan. Oracle's upgraded technology allows her to access 'digital telepathy' in order to co-ordinate Earth's heroes in preventing humanity from destroying itself in the Mageddon-fueled conflicts that are erupting all over the globe, while Green Lantern's team in space encounters Mageddon itself.