Unofficial Batman: Family Index |
Cover Date: December 2002
Cover Price: $2.95
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Cover Credits:
Art: Stefano Gaudiano, Rick Hoberg
Colors: Heroic Age
Story | John Francis Moore |
Art | Stefano Gaudiano, Rick Hoberg |
Colors | Carla Feeny |
Color separations | Heroic Age |
Lettering | John Workman |
Editing | Matt Idelson |
Feature Character(s):
Supporting Character(s):
- Alfred Pennyworth (last in ???)
- Mayor Daniel Dickerson (last in ???)
- Martha Wayne (in flashback as Martha Kane)
- Lucius Fox (last in ???)
- Tiffany Fox (last in Batman: Gotham Knights #32; next in Robin Vol. 2 #182)
- Gabriel Rossetti (first appearance; next in issue #4)
- Ruiz (first appearance; one of Rossetti's men)
- Holthaus (first appearance; one of Rossetti's men)
- Tracker (last in Detective Comics #775/2; dies)
- Doctor Excess (first appearance)
- Athena II (last in Detective Comics #775/2; also in flashback)
- Bugg (last in Detective Comics #775/2)
- Freeway (last in Robin Vol. 2 #106)
- Technician II (Danny Tran; first appearance)
- Cesare Rossetti (first appearance; next in issue #4)
- Suicide King (Justin Quinn; first appearance)
- Arturo Zamora (first appearance)
- Mister Fun (first appearance; not named)
Other Character(s):
- Luke Santos (first appearance; one of Rossetti's men; actually an undercover cop; next in issue #4)
- Roger Sloane (first appearance; a former reporter; dies)
- Delilah Wagner (last in Batman Vol. 1 #599)
- Harmon (first appearance; another of the board of directors)
- Keisha (first appearance; one of Bruce Wayne's dates at a gala)
- Ayesha (first appearance; one of Bruce Wayne's dates at a gala)
- Stanford Whittaker (first appearance; an unpleasant property developer; in flashback)
- Denholm Sinclair (first appearance; Martha Kane's romantic interest; in flashback)
- The Tracker has been active in Gotham for a few months, indicating that some time has passed since his appearances in Detective Comics.
- Celia Kazantkakis is an extremely unreliable narrator, so the flashbacks are more than likely inaccurate.
- The first four issues are essentially stand-alone stories which do not necessarily follow immediately after each other, whereas issues #5-8 are an unbroken arc.
Synopsis: - Batman pursues the Tracker, a new vigilante in town who seems to be concentrating his efforts on the operations of the Rossetti mob, unaware that the Tracker is connected to a large Network of other criminals. Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne is asked to resign by his board of directors, and considers doing so. However, the woman who spear-headed this, Delilah Wagner, is arrested for fraud, and Bruce hands over the position of C.E.O. to Celia Kazantkakis, an old friend of his mother's. He later encounters both the Tracker and the Suicide King - who claims to be working for Rossetti, yet is in contact with the Tracker - and watches helplessly as the Tracker falls to his death. Unknown to him, the Tracker's mother is Celia Kazantkakis, the head of the Network...