Created by Greg Rucka and Shawn Martinbrough


Full Name: Daniel Danforth Dickerson III
Occupation: Mayor of Gotham City
Status: Deceased
Citizenship: American
Base of Operation: Gotham City
Gender: Male
First Appearance: Detective Comics #743 (April 2000): "Evolution One: Whispers in the Dark"
Creators: Greg Rucka and Shawn Martinbrough


A recent mayor of Gotham City who was, like so many of his predecessors, unfit for the job if not actually corrupt. He was easily taken in by the seductive Whisper A'Daire and lived entirely for his public image rather than what was in the best interests of Gotham's citizens. It is somewhat ironic that it was during discussions with the commissioner, the intent of which was to cut all police overtime, he was shot by a sniper bullet fired by the Joker. He died instantly, initiating a frantic manhunt. His successor as mayor is David Hull.


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