Created by Robert Bernstein and George Papp |
Name: Wegthor
Status: Destroyed
Location: Orbiting the planet Krypton
Space Sector: 2813
Sun(s): Rao (red)
Dominant Lifeform: Kryptonians
Population: 500
Points of Interest: Valley of Gloom, Sentinel Mountains, Plain of Steam
First Appearance: Adventure Comics #289 (October 1961): "Clark Kent's Super-Father"
Creators: Robert Bernstein and George Papp
A colonized moon of Krypton, Wegthor was destroyed by an illegal experiment conducted by Jax-Ur.
Wegthor was Krypton's largest moon. Together with Mithen, the two moons represented love, marriage, and the goddess Yuda.
In the early 6800s, Sul-El of Krypton created his world's first telescope. He was able to look at the night sky and discover Wegthor had a thin atmosphere. It would be later learned the low valleys concentrated enough of the atmosphere to make it breathable. -Krypton Chronicles #2
The first colonists from Krypton arrived on 33 Ogtal 9995. Over time the colony grew to 500 strong. On 62 Eorx 9999, a missile was launched by scientist Jax-Ur. Targeted at a meteor, it was thrown off-course and struck Wegthor instead. The nuclear warhead annihilated the lunar colony and the moon itself was shattered. The remains of Wegthor were visible from Krypton until its own destruction, some months later on 39 Ogtal 10,000. -Adventure Comics #289