Created by Pat Masulli, Bill Fraccio and Tony Tallarico


Aliases: Halciber; Hephaestus
Occupation: Roman god of blacksmiths
Status: Inactive
Citizenship: Roman
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Venus (wife); Jove (father); Juno (mother); Hestia (aunt); Ceres (aunt); Pluto (uncle); Neptune (uncle); Persipone (sister); Mars (brother); Phoebus Apollo (brother); Diana (sister; deceased); Mercury (brother); Minerva (sister); Bachhus (brother), Hercules (brother); numerous other siblings throughout the years
Base of Operation: Olympus
Group Affiliation(s): Roman Gods
Gender: Male
Hair: Brown
First Appearance: Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds #46 (May 1965) [Charlton]
Creators: Pat Masulli, Bill Fraccio and Tony Tallarico


Vulcan is the Roman god of the forge and blacksmiths, the equivalent of the Greek Hephaestus. For about 3,000 years, the Greek and Roman versions of the Olympians (including Zeus/Jupiter) were separate entities. They were only recently merged again. In modern times, Vulcan and his wife Venus adopted and sponsored the crippled human reporter in his career as the superhero Son of Vulcan.

He has also inspired both villains and heroes with fire powers.


Not yet available


For a definitive list of appearances of Vulcan in chronological order click here