
The Original Universe


Status: Defunct
Former Members:  Jove/JupiterJunoNeptunePlutoCeresVestaVenusVulcanMarsMinervaMercuryDianaBacchusFaunusPersipone/ProserpinaPhoebus Apollo,
Base of Operation: Mount Olympus


The Roman Gods were created as avatars by the Greek Gods, the Olympians, in order to better meet the demands of Roman worshippers, but today the Roman and Greek pantheons are once more merged.


Member First Appearance Joined Status Note
Jove/Jupiter     Inactive God of lightning; king of the gods
Juno     Inactive Goddess of marriage; queen of the gods
Neptune     Inactive God of the sea
Pluto     Deceased God of death
Ceres     Inactive Goddess of agriculture
Vesta     Inactive Goddess of home and hearth
Venus     Inactive Goddess of love
Vulcan     Inactive God of blacksmiths
Mars     Deceased God war and conflict
Minerva     Inactive Goddess of wisdom
Mercury     Inactive God of thieves
Diana     Deceased Goddess of the hunt
Bacchus     Inactive God of wine
Faunus       God of nature
Persipone/Proserpina     Inactive Goddess of spring
Phoebus Apollo     Inactive Goddess of light


Some time after the Romans had began worshipping the Greek Olympian Gods, renamed them and claimed them as their own, the pantheon split in two. The Greek versions of the gods were still there, but co-existing with Zeus, Hephaestus, Hermes, Artemis, Herakles, and the others, were now Jupiter (Jove), Vulcan, Mercury, Diana, Hercules, and so on. In modern times, the Roman Gods have been mostly forgotten and thought to be identical with their Greek counterparts. During the event known as "the War of the Gods", they returned to claim their right from the Greek Gods. The Greek and the Roman Olympians eventually declared a truce, and more recently, they merged into one pantheon once again (i.e. Jupiter is no longer a separate being from Zeus – just another aspect of him). Various Roman Gods have empowered, among others, the Marvel Family and Son of Vulcan.


For a definitive list of appearances of Roman Gods in chronological order click here