Created by John Broome and Gil Kane |
Occupation: Scientist-warrior
Homeworld: Nabgor
Space Sector: Unidentified
Race: Nabgoran
Base of Operation: The planet Nabgor
Gender: Male
Height: over 300'
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Black, in pony tail
First Appearance: Green Lantern Vol. 2 #53 (June 1967): "Captive of the Evil Eye!"
Creators: John Broome and Gil Kane
A scientist-warrior on his homeworld of Nabgor, Thotan was one of the elite forces of his world. His greatly advanced powers and mental force had been pitted against the Green Lanterns, and he had since immunized himself against the might of the power ring.
Nabgor was at war with another world in their star-system, Joxanda. The rulers of Nabgor needed a special weapon to defeat their enemies, and decided to use oxygen. Plentiful on Earth, oxygen was rare and deadly to the ammonia breathers of Joxanda. The Nabgorians chose Earth because it also had nitrogen, which they breathed. Thotan was assigned to collect Earth's oxygen and return it to Nabgor. As he entered the Earth's atmosphere, Thotan appeared as a fiery meteor over northern Washington state.
Working for the Evergreen Insurance Company, Hal Jordan was dispatched to investigate timber fires created by the meteor's impact. His dual role as Green Lantern allowed Jordan to cover a lot of ground while protecting the area against dangerous forest fires. But even the emerald crusader was unprepared for the threat of Thotan.
The giant was impervious to the power ring, even explosions set off around Thotan did not faze him. He proceeded with his mission. Breathing in Earth's oxygen, his lungs compressed the oxygen for transport. Thotan warned Green Lantern to leave Earth while he still had the chance.
Jordan was not one to back away from a fight. He entered Thotan's mouth, planning to attack from the inside. He tried to knock out the giant by using his ring against Thotan's brain, but the giant was as well protected inside as out. Green Lantern was trapped inside the giant's mouth.
Thotan continued inhaling the atmosphere through his nose. The Green Lantern tried to escape through Thotan's eye but could not. The membrane lining the inside of Thotan's eye was yellow, the ring had no effect.
Returning to Thotan's mouth, Green Lantern tried using his fists. Hitting the roof of Thotan's mouth caused the alien to sneeze, expelling the Green Lantern. This did little to slow the giant down.
Green Lantern turned his ring upon himself, growing to the size of Thotan. Relying on his superior mental powers, the alien did not have much experience as a fighter, but learned fast by probing Green Lantern's mind. The fight continued, over the mountain and into a nearby town. Thotan was ready to impale Green Lantern with a church steeple when the emerald gladiator relied on an earlier trick. Taking a barrel of pepper from a old-fashioned country store, Green Lantern had his foe sneezing once more. One good punch was all it took to knock out Thotan.
The alien warrior was brought back to Nabgor, and Green Lantern had released all the oxygen Thotan had absorbed. Jordan warned the people of Nabgor to stay away from Earth or else. The Nabgorians have not been seen since. - Green Lantern Vol. 2 #53
For a definitive list of appearances of Thotan in chronological order click here