Created by Ron Marz and Greg Tocchini

Tarra Karn.jpg


Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Homeworld: Thanagar
Space Sector: 2682
Race: Thanagarian
Group Affiliation(s): Unknown
Gender: Female
Eyes: Pale Blue
Hair: White
First Appearance: Ion #1 (June 2006): "Torch Bearer Part 1"
Creators: Ron Marz and Greg Tocchini


Formerly with the Thanagarian Navy, Tarra Karn has since turned to a career in bounty hunting. At this time, her most notable quarry was Green Lantern Kyle Rayner, known as Ion. Rayner was wanted for the destruction of a fleet of starships that were evacuating the population of the planet Quinilon in Space Sector 3521 before its sun burned out. It was also said Rayner had defeated two Green Lanterns, Torquemada and Garmin Vid, who sent to apprehend him. - Ion #1

Rayner's claims of innocence were irrelevant to her, but as it would later be learned Alexander Nero had been posing as him for reasons as yet to be fully explained.

Despite her military training, her ability to fly and her energy mace, she was no match for Rayner. He easily defeated her, and then headed out to the stars to investigate what had happened, and why he had been blacking out. - Ion #2

Frustrated by her failure to catch her bounty, Karn decided to take Marissa Rochelle, who had been looking around after discovering Karn's starship. If Karn did not kill her, she could possibly sell her as a slave. Before she could take either option, Kyle Rayner returned and using energy constructs unceremoniously threw her back into her starship and sling-shotted her back into space. Tarra Karn has not been seen since. - Ion #5- #6


For a definitive list of appearances of Tarra Karn in chronological order click here