

Below is the definitive list of appearances of Superman Revenge Squad in chronological order. Flashback sequences or story entries will be followed by a [Flashback] note. Stories that for some reason are no longer part of current continuity will have a comment saying this in a note following the entry.

Follow the links for a complete index of the issue, including story and creator info as well as full character chronology and in some cases story synopses.

The chronology list can also be sorted according to Comic book title. Please note: If you want to go back to the chronological listing after having used the sorting tool you have to reload the page.

To go to the Superman Revenge Squad (Pre-Crisis) biography click here.

Superman Revenge Squad Chronology

Click to list by alphabetically by title

ZZSuperboy Revenge Squad

Superboy Vol. 1 #94 (January 1962): "The Superboy Revenge Squad"
Superboy Vol. 1 #111/3 (March 1964): "The Mental Emperor"
Superboy Vol. 1 #114 (July 1964): "The Raid From the Phantom Zone"
Superboy Vol. 1 #118/3 (January 1965): "The War Between Superboy and Krypto"
New Adventures of Superboy #32 (August 1982): "Save Superboy Or Die"
New Adventures of Superboy #33 (September 1982): "Kill Superboy and Conquer"
New Adventures of Superboy #53 (May 1984): "To Slay a Superboy"
New Adventures of Superboy #54 (June 1984): "The Dumbbell That Saved the Earth"

ZZSuperman Revenge Squad

Action Comics #286 (March 1962): "The Jury of Super-Enemies"
Action Comics #287 (April 1962): "Perry White's Manhunt for Superman"
Action Comics #295 (December 1962): "Superman Goes Wild"
Action Comics #300 (May 1963): "Superman Under the Red Sun"
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #69 (June 1963): "The Dynamic Duo of Kandor"
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #70 (July 1963): "Jimmy Olsen's Boo Boos"
Superman Vol. 1 #163 (August 1963): "Wonder-Man, the New Hero of Metropolis"
Superman Vol. 1 #165 (November 1963): "Beauty and the Super-Beast!"
Action Comics #313 (June 1964): "The End of Clark Kent's Secret Identity!"
Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #52/3 (October 1964): "The Lois Lane-Lana Lang Truce"
Action Comics #322 (March 1965): "The Coward of Steel!"
Action Comics #343 (November 1966): "Eterno the Immortal"
Superman Vol. 1 #198 (July 1967): "The Real Clark Kent!"
World's Finest Comics #175 (May 1968): "The Superman-Batman Revenge Squads!"
Action Comics #367 (September 1968): "Mysteries of the Superman Awards" [Flashback]
Action Comics #380 (September 1969): "The Confessions of Superman"
Action Comics #381 (October 1969): "The Dictator of Earth"
Superman Vol. 1 #228/2 (July 1970): "Execution Planet"
Action Comics #445 (March 1975): "Count Ten, Superman--and Die"
Action Comics #501 (November 1979): "The Mystery of the Mild-Mannered Superman"
Superman Vol. 1 #365 (November 1981): "When Kryptonians Clash"
Superman Vol. 1 #366 (December 1981): "Revenge, Superman-Style"
Superman Vol. 1 #367 (January 1982): "The Revengers Strike Back"
Superman Vol. 1 #368 (February 1982): "The Revenger of Steel"
Superman Vol. 1 #383 (May 1983): "Your World or Your Life, Superman--One Must Die"
DC Comics Presents #87 (November 1985): "Year of the Comet"
Superman Vol. 1 #414 (December 1985): "Revenge is Life--Death to Superman"