 Unofficial Action Comics Index

Action Comics 286


Cover Date: March 1962
Cover Price: $.12
Publication Date: 1962-01-30


Cover Credits:
Pencils: Curt Swan
Inks: Sheldon Moldoff
Colors: Ira Schnapp

Story: "The Jury of Super-Enemies!" (14 Pages)


StoryRobert Bernstein
PencilsCurt Swan
InksGeorge Klein
LetteringJoe Letterese
EditingMort Weisinger

Feature Character(s):

Superman (last in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #60/3)

Supporting Character(s):

Jimmy Olsen (last in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #60/3)
Lois Lane (last in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #60/3)


Superman Revenge Squad (formerly the Superboy Revenge Squad; Rava and Scout 627 named; last in New Adventures of Superboy #54)

Guest Appearance(s):

Supergirl (last in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #60/3; next in issue #287/2)
Krypto (last in Superman Vol. 1 #152/3)

Other Character(s):

Jimmy Olsen Fan Club (last in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #48/3)

Cameo Appearance(s):

Streaky (in a red kryptonite induced dream of Krypto's)
Titano (in a red kryptonite induced dream of Krypto's)
Brainiac (in a red kryptonite induced dream of Superman's)
Lex Luthor (in a red kryptonite induced dream of Superman's)
Legion of Super-Villains
Cosmic King (in a red kryptonite induced dream of Superman's)
Lightning Lord (in a red kryptonite induced dream of Superman's)
Saturn Queen (in a red kryptonite induced dream of Superman's)
an unidentified alien (in a red kryptonite induced dream of Superman's)
Pete Ross the 5th (in a red kryptonite induced dream of Superman's)
Lana Lang's descendant (in a red kryptonite induced dream of Superman's)
Ray Tyson (in a red kryptonite induced dream of Superman's)


Space Sector 2814
Fortress of Solitude
Bottle City of Kandor
Daily Planet
Superman Museum
Unidentified Space Sector
Wexr II


The Superman Revenge Squad exposes Krypto to three samples of red kryptonite to guage its effectiveness against Superman. The first turns Krypto into a phantom, the second changes his appearance to feature tiger-like stripes while the third sample induces nightmares in the Dog of Steel. It is this third sample which is used on Superman.
The Superman Museum is show to feature wax replicas of green, red and yellow kryptonite, which was likely meant to be gold kryptonite.
This story continues in the next issue.

Story Reprinted in:

Showcase Presents Superman #3 (April 2007)


Second Story: "The Death of Luthor!" (12 Pages)


StoryJerry Siegel
ArtJim Mooney
PencilsCurt Swan (Luthor's head, page 4, panel 4)
InksGeorge Klein (Luthor's head, page 4, panel 4)
LetteringMilt Snapinn
EditingMort Weisinger

Feature Character(s):

Supergirl (last in issue #285; next in Superman Vol. 1 #152)

Supporting Character(s):

Dick Malverne (in between issues #285 and #290/2)
Fred Danvers (last in issue #285; next in Superman Vol. 1 #152)
Edna Danvers (last in issue #285; next in Superman Vol. 1 #152)
Lori Lemaris (last in issue #285; next in Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #33)
Jerro (in between issues #285 and #290/2)


Lex Luthor (last in Adventure Comics #293/2; next in World's Finest Comics #126; also in flashback)
Luthor's gang
unidentified gangland bosses
robot soldiers

Other Character(s):

police officers (Pete named)
prison guards

Cameo Appearance(s):

Garr Rindaz (first appearance; in flashback; an ancient Atlantean hero)


Space Sector 2814
Atlantis (Tritonis)
Unidentified Space Sector
an unidentified planet


Lex Luthor first meets Supergirl, initially believing she was a robotic hoax created by Superman.

Story Reprinted in:

Action Comics #355/2 (October 1967)
Showcase Presents: Supergirl #2 ([December] 2008)
Supergirl: The Silver Age Omnibus #1 ([June] 2016)
Supergirl: The Silver Age #2 (2018)