Unofficial Superman Index |

Cover Date: January-February 1952
Cover Price: $.10
Publication Date: 1951-11-05
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Cover Credits:
Art: Win Mortimer
Story | Edmond Hamilton |
Pencils | Wayne Boring |
Inks | Stan Kaye |
Editing | Mort Weisinger |
Feature Character(s):
- Superman (last in Action Comics #164; next in the second story in this issue; also in flashback as an infant, last in flashback in issue #61/3)
Supporting Character(s):
- Lois Lane (last in Action Comics #164; next in the second story in this issue)
- Perry White (last in Action Comics #164; next in World's Finest Comics #56)
- Jor-El (in flashback; last in flashback in issue #61/3)
- Lara (in flashback; last in flashback in issue #61/3)
- Jonathan Kent (in flashback)
- Martha Kent (in flashback)
- Lex Luthor (last in issue #71/3; next in Action Comics #166)
- Wills (first appearance)
- Marsten (first appearance)
Other Character(s):
- citizens of Metropolis
- Krypton (in flashback)
- Earth
- United States of America
- Metropolis
- Smallville (in flashback)
- United States of America
- In an attempt to attract kryptonite to Earth, Luthor instead draws in a vault filled with Jor-El's inventions.
- This story features characters from Earth-Two.
Story | Al Schwartz |
Art | Al Plastino |
Editing | Mort Weisinger |
Feature Character(s):
- Superman (in between the first and the third story in this issue)
Supporting Character(s):
- Lois Lane (in between the first and the third story in this issue)
- Ernest Gadden (first appearance; a millionaire; temporarily gains super powers)
- Kid Kole (first appearance; a middleweight boxer; temporarily gains super powers)
- Miss Smith (first appearance; a young woman; temporarily gains super powers)
Other Character(s):
- Gadden's two sons (first appearance for both)
- a reporter (first appearance)
- Kid Kole's boxing opponent (first appearance)
- Atlantic Ocean
- United States of America
- Corville (first appearance)
- Metropolis
- {{|Daily Planet}}
- unidentified location on the East Coast (Gadden's cottage)
- Three months pass by the last panel of this story.
- This story features characters from Earth-Two.
Story | Edmond Hamilton |
Pencils | Wayne Boring |
Inks | Stan Kaye |
Editing | Mort Weisinger |
Feature Character(s):
- Superman (last in the second story in this issue; next in World's Finest Comics #56)
Supporting Character(s):
- Lois Lane (last in the second story in this issue; next in World's Finest Comics #56)
- "Hatchet" Kaims (first appearance; sets out to discover Superman's secret identity)
- various other unidentified criminals (including "Hatchet's" accomplices)
- Big Jack's Mob (first appearance for all)
Other Character(s):
- Joe Graham (first appearance; suspected as Superman's identity)
- Sam Bartley (first appearance; suspected as Superman's identity)
- Detective Smith (first appearance; suspected as Superman's identity)
- other citizens of Metropolis
- This story features characters from Earth-Two.