Unofficial Suicide Squad Most Wanted: Deadshot and Katana Index |
Story | Mike W. Barr |
Art | Diogenes Neves |
Inks | Ruy José |
Colors | Carrie Strachan |
Lettering | Saida Temofonte |
Associate editing | Jessica Chen |
Editing | Kristy Quinn |
Feature Character(s):
Supporting Character(s):
Other Character(s):
- Brion Markov
- Dr. Jace
- This story is continued from the previous issue.
- Kobra has taken advantage of Katana and the Suicide Squad's attack on his base to assault the capital and imprison Prince Brion of Markovia! As king, he can set his endgame into motion...but Katana is sure that he's playing a double game!
Story | Brian Buccellato |
Pencils | Viktor Bogdanovic |
Inks | Richard Friend |
Colors | Michael Spicer |
Lettering | Clem Robins |
Assistant editing | Brittany Holzherr |
Editing | Alex Antone |
Feature Character(s):
- Suicide Squad
- Captain Boomerang
- Cheetah
- El Diablo
- Harley Quinn
- Will Evens (also in flashback)
Supporting Character(s):
Other Character(s):
- Olivia (dies)
- Story is continued from the previous issue.
- Floyd Lawton is out-and Will Evans is in! But how will Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang and the rest of the Squad respond to the new Deadshot? And is this truly the end of Floyd Lawton's story?