Created by Cary Bates and Curt Swan


Steve Lombard first appeared in Superman Vol. 1 #264 (June 1973).

Below is the definitive list of appearances of Steve Lombard in chronological order. Flashback sequences or story entries will be followed by a [Flashback] note. Stories that for some reason are no longer part of current continuity will have a comment saying this in a note following the entry.

Follow the links for a complete index of the issue, including story and creator info as well as full character chronology and in some cases story synopses.

The chronology list can also be sorted according to Comic book title. Please note: If you want to go back to the chronological listing after having used the sorting tool you have to reload the page.

To go to the Steve Lombard (Pre-Crisis) biography click here.

Steve Lombard Chronology

Click to list by alphabetically by title
Superman Vol. 1 #384 (June 1983): "Steve Lombard--Down, Out, and Dead" [Flashback]
Action Comics #465/2 (November 1976): "Paper Hero" [Flashback]
Superman Vol. 1 #264 (June 1973): "Secret of the Phantom Quarterback"
Superman Vol. 1 #265 (July 1973): "Attack by the Army of Tomorrow"
Superman Vol. 1 #266 (August 1973): "The Nightmare Maker"
Action Comics #426 (August 1973): "Master of the Moon Rocks"
Superman Vol. 1 #267 (September 1973): "World Beneath the North Pole"
Action Comics #428 (October 1973): "Whatever Happened to Superman?"
Superman Vol. 1 #269 (November 1973): "The Secret of the Eighth Superman"
Superman Vol. 1 #270 (December 1973): "The Viking from Valhalla"
Superman Vol. 1 #271 (January 1974): "The Man Who Murdered Metropolis"
Superman Vol. 1 #273 (March 1974): "The Wizard with the Golden Eye"
Superman Vol. 1 #274 (April 1974): "Protectors of Earth, Inc."
Action Comics #434 (April 1974): "The Krypton Connection"
Superman Vol. 1 #277 (July 1974): "The Biggest Game in Town"
Superman Vol. 1 #277/2 (July 1974): "The Pizzeria Peril"
Superman Vol. 1 #278 (August 1974): "Super-Showdown in Buzzard Gulch"
Superman Vol. 1 #278/2 (August 1974): "Lola Barnett's Metropolis Gossip"
Superman Vol. 1 #279 (September 1974): "Menace of the Energy-Blackmailers"
Superman Vol. 1 #280 (October 1974): "Duel of the Diamond Demons"
Superman Vol. 1 #280/2 (October 1974): "The Last Headline"
Action Comics #440 (October 1974): "The Man Who Betrayed Krypton"
Superman Vol. 1 #282 (December 1974): "Lex Luthor--Super Scalp-Hunter"
Action Comics #442 (December 1974): "The Midnight Murder Show"
Action Comics #443 (January 1975): "At Last! Clark Kent, Super-Hero"
Action Comics #444 (February 1975): "Beware the Hero-Killers"
Superman Vol. 1 #285 (March 1975): "Search for the 'Impossible' Man"
Action Comics #445 (March 1975): "Count Ten, Superman--and Die"
Superman Vol. 1 #286 (April 1975): "The Parasite's Power Play"
Action Comics #447 (May 1975): "The Man Who Created Superman"
Superman Vol. 1 #288 (June 1975): "The Computer with a Secret Identity"
Action Comics #448 (June 1975): "Don't Get Off on the 13th Floor"
Superman Vol. 1 #289 (July 1975): "The Phantom Horseman of Metropolis"
Superman Vol. 1 #289/2 (July 1975): "Right Down My Alley"
Action Comics #449 (July 1975): "My Best Friend, the Super-Spy"
Superman Vol. 1 #290/2 (August 1975): "Babble, Babble, Toil and Trouble"
Superman Family #172 (August-September 1975): "The Cheat the Whole World Cheered"
Superman Vol. 1 #291 (September 1975): "The Time-Powered Peril"
Action Comics #451 (September 1975): "The Great Super-Hero Contest"
Action Comics #452 (October 1975): "The Loser and New Champion"
Superman Vol. 1 #293 (November 1975): "The Miracle of Thirsty Thursday"
Action Comics #453 (November 1975): "Superman's Fantastic Face-Saving Feat"
Action Comics #457 (March 1976): "Superman, You're Not Clark Kent, and I Can Prove It"
Superman Vol. 1 #296 (February 1976): "Who Took the Super Out of Superman?"
Superman Vol. 1 #297 (March 1976): "Clark Kent Forever--Superman Never"
Superman Vol. 1 #298 (April 1976): "Clark Kent, Get Out of My Life"
Superman Vol. 1 #299 (May 1976): "The Double-Or-Nothing Life of Superman"
Action Comics #458 (April 1976): "Make Me a Super-Hero"
Action Comics #459 (May 1976): "Superman's Big Crack-Up"
Action Comics #459/2 (May 1976): "Two for the Taxi"
Superman Vol. 1 #301 (July 1976): "Solomon Grundy Wins on a Monday"
Superman Vol. 1 #302 (August 1976): "Seven-Foot-Two, and Still Growing"
Superman Vol. 1 #303 (September 1976): "When Lightning Strikes, Thunder Kills"
Action Comics #460 (June 1976): "Superman, You'll Be the Death of Me Yet!"
Action Comics #461 (July 1976): "Kill Me or Leave Me"
Superman Vol. 1 #305 (November 1976): "The Man Who Toyed With Death"
Superman Vol. 1 #306 (December 1976): "Backward Battle for the Bizarro World"
Action Comics #465/2 (November 1976): "Paper Hero"
Action Comics #465 (November 1976): "Think Young and Die"
Action Comics #466 (December 1976): "You Can Take the Man Out of the Super, But You Can't Take the Super Out of the Boy"
Superman Vol. 1 #309 (March 1977): "Blind Hero's Bluff"
Action Comics #469/2 (March 1977): "Clark Kent's Lonely Christmas"
Superman Family #182/7 (March-April 1977): "The Reporter with the Radar Mind"
Action Comics #469 (March 1977): "The Night Superman Was Buried in Boot Hill"
Action Comics #470 (April 1977): "Even Superman Must Die Sometime"
Superman Vol. 1 #310 (April 1977): "The Man with the Kryptonite Heart"
Superman Family #183/6 (May-June 1977): "The Day Lois Lane Walked All Over Superman"
Action Comics #471/2 (May 1977): "The Long Weekend"
Action Comics #472/2 (June 1977): "If I'm Over Here, What Am I Doing Over There?"
Action Comics #471 (May 1977): "One of Our Phantoms is Missing"
Action Comics #473 (July 1977): "The Great Phantom Peril"
Superman Vol. 1 #311 (May 1977): "Plague of the Antibiotic Man"
Superman Vol. 1 #313 (July 1977): "The Only Way You'll Save the Earth Is Over My Dead Body"
Superman Vol. 1 #314 (August 1977): "Before This Night is Over, Superman Will Kill"
Action Comics #474 (August 1977): "Will the Real Superman Please Show Up?"
Action Comics #475 (September 1977): "The Super-Hero Who Refused to Hang Up His Boots"
DC Special Series #5 (1977): "The Second Coming of Superman"
Action Comics #477/2 (November 1977): "One of Those Days"
Action Comics #477 (November 1977): "The Land-Lords of Earth"
Action Comics #479 (January 1978): "The Giant from the Golden Atom"
Action Comics #480 (February 1978): "Amazo's Big Breakthrough"
Action Comics #481 (March 1978): "It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Supermobile"
Action Comics #482 (April 1978): "This is a Job for Supermobile"
Action Comics #483 (May 1978): "Sleep No More"
Superman Family #188/2 (March-April 1978): "The Death Angel from Earth"
All-New Collectors' Edition #C-58 (April 1978): "When Earths Collide"
Superman Vol. 1 #328/2 (October 1978): "Clark Kent, How Would You Like to Meet Your Real Father?"
Action Comics #489 (November 1978): "Krypton Dies Again"
Superman Vol. 1 #333 (March 1979): "Happy New Year, Rest in Peace"
Superman Vol. 1 #334 (April 1979): "The Man Who Stole Superman's Eyes"
Superman Family #195/2 (May-June 1979): "Coils of the Cobra"
Action Comics #497 (July 1979): "Superman's Command Performance"
Superman Vol. 1 #338 (August 1979): "Let My People Grow"
DC Comics Presents #13 (September 1979): "To Live In Peace--Nevermore"
Action Comics #498 (August 1979): "The Catastrophic Man"
DC Comics Presents #14 (October 1979): "Judge, Jury, and No Justice"
Action Comics #500 (October 1979): "The Life Story of Superman"
Action Comics #501 (November 1979): "The Mystery of the Mild-Mannered Superman"
Superman Vol. 1 #346 (April 1980): "Superman's Streak of Bad Luck"
Superman Vol. 1 #347 (May 1980): "The Sleeper Out of Time"
Superman Family #201/5 (May-June 1980): "Hang-Glide to Nowhere"
Action Comics #508 (June 1980): "The Secret World of Jonathan Kent"
Action Comics #512 (October 1980): "Luthor's Day of Reckoning"
Superman Family #205/3 (January-February 1981): "The Case of the Disappearing Daye"
DC Comics Presents #27 (November 1980): "The Key That Unlocked Chaos"
Superman Vol. 1 #356 (February 1981): "Battle of the Super-Hyper Powers"
Action Comics #517 (March 1981): "The War for Peace"
Action Comics #518 (April 1981): "Treasure Hunt on a Small Planet"
Action Comics #519 (May 1981): "When the Space-Wind Blows"
Superman Family #207/4 (May-June 1981): "The Exposé Exposé"
DC Comics Presents #35 (July 1981): "The Metamorphosis Machine"
Action Comics #522 (August 1981): "The Time-Tornado of the Clockwork Man"
Action Comics #523 (September 1981): "Steve Lombard's Double Life"
World's Finest Comics #271 (September 1981): "The Secret Origins of the Superman and Batman Team"
World's Finest Comics #274 (December 1981): "Greater Love Hath No Man"
Superman Family #213/4 (December 1981): "Watson, Watson, Everywhere, and Not a Holmes in Sight"
Superman Family #215/3 (February 1982): "Take Me Out of the Ball Game"
Superman Vol. 1 #369 (March 1982): "Superman's Last Christmas"
Action Comics #528 (February 1982): "Star-Kill"
Action Comics #529 (March 1982): "I Have Two Eyes, But I Cannot See"
Superman Family #217/4 (April 1982): "Sing a Song of Murder"
Superman Vol. 1 #371 (May 1982): "Kandor Lives Again"
Superman Vol. 1 #371/2 (May 1982): "Mind Over Money"
Superman Vol. 1 #375 (September 1982): "The Stoning of Lana Lang"
Superman Vol. 1 #377 (November 1982): "Terra Times Two"
DC Comics Presents #53 (January 1983): "The Haunting Dooms of Halloween"
Superman Vol. 1 #379 (January 1983): "The Bizarro-Buster is Loose"
Superman Vol. 1 #382 (April 1983): "Where Trouble Goes--Euphor Follows"
Superman Annual Vol. 1 #9 (1983): "Villain, Villain, Who's Got the Villain?"
Superman Vol. 1 #383 (May 1983): "Your World or Your Life, Superman--One Must Die"
Superman Vol. 1 #384 (June 1983): "Steve Lombard--Down, Out, and Dead"
Superman Vol. 1 #393 (March 1984): "The Day They Nuked Superman"
Action Comics #562 (December 1984): "Their Magnetic Majesties, King Alexander and Queen Bee"
Superman Vol. 1 #412 (October 1985): "Luthor--Today You Die"
Superman Vol. 1 #413 (November 1985): "Superman--Your World is Mine"
Superman Annual Vol. 1 #12 (1986): "Luthor's Ultra-Ego"