Unofficial Action Comics Index |
Cover Date: March 1976
Cover Price: $0.30
Publication Date: 1975-12-30
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Cover Credits:
Art: Bob Oksner
Colors: Tatjana Wood
Story | Gerry Conway |
Pencils | Curt Swan |
Inks | Tex Blaisdell |
Assistant editing | Bob Rozakis |
Associate editing | E. Nelson Bridwell |
Editing | Julius Schwartz |
Feature Character(s):
- Superman (last in Superman Family #175; next in World's Finest Comics #236)
Supporting Character(s):
- Jon Ross (first appearance; son of Pete Ross; next in issue #460/2)
- Lois Lane (last in Superman Family #175; next in Superman Vol. 1 #296)
- Pete Ross (last in Superman Vol. 1 #284; next in issue #460/2)
- Steve Lombard (last in issue #453; next in Superman Vol. 1 #296)
- The Whirlicane (Emilo Storn; first appearance; next in Superman Vol. 1 #303)
- his gang (first appearance of all)
Other Character(s):
- citizens of Metropolis
Story Reprinted in:
- Best of DC #25/5 (June 1982)
Story | Elliot S. Maggin |
Art | Mike Grell |
Assistant editing | Bob Rozakis |
Associate editing | E. Nelson Bridwell |
Editing | Julius Schwartz |
Feature Character(s):
- Green Arrow (in between issues #456/2 and #458/2)
- Black Canary (in between issues #456/2 and #458/2)
- Lex Luthor (in between issues #456/2 and #458/2)
- a gang of kidnappers (Bill named)