Created by Alan Davis |
Occupation: Green Lantern
Homeworld: Unknown
Group Affiliation(s): Green Lantern Corps
Hair: None
First Appearance: (Elseworlds): JLA: The Nail #2 (September 1998)
(in continuity): Green Lantern Vol. 4 #24 (December 2007): "Home Invasion"
Creators: Alan Davis
Sqweeegg is one of the largest members of the Green Lantern Corps. He resembles an Earth whale but decidedly alien. Sqweeegg is described as "monstrous" and "an unstoppable dreadnought." It is not known if how Sqweeegg became a Green Lantern, or how Sqweeegg interacts with his fellow Lanterns due to his massive size.
Sqweeeegg has served in the war against the Sinestro Corps, specifically the battle on Earth. It is not yet known if Sqweeegg survived the war, but it is likely a Lantern his size would be hard to defeat.
As a Green Lantern, Sqweeegg possesses a power ring and power battery.
For a definitive list of appearances of Sqweeegg in chronological order click here
Though first appearing and named in the Elseworlds mini-series JLA: The Nail #1 and JLA: Another Nail #1, respectively, Sqweeegg might not ordinarily fit in with the profiles on “New Earth” Green Lanterns. Seeing a remarkably similar character begs for the argument that this is the same character on a parallel world. Sqweeegg was not mentioned by name in the Sinestro Corps War, but other than Ion, it’s doubtful there were many other glowing green space whales out there.