Created by John Broome and Carmine Infantino


Status: Deceased
Known Relatives: Ulgo (nephew); Nnamdi (son)
Base of Operation: Gorilla City, Africa
Gender: Male
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Black
First Appearance: Flash Vol. 1 #106 (April-May 1959): "Menace of the Super-Gorilla"
Creators: John Broome and Carmine Infantino


King Solovar was the just and wise leader of the secret Gorilla City in Africa. He was also a gifted telepath and hero, and fought valiantly against his evil compatriot Gorilla Grodd, as well as against the Anti-Monitor's minions during the Crisis. Recently, Solovar decided to go public and open diplomatic ties to the rest of the world's nations. Shortly thereafter, he was assassinated by a henchman (hench-ape) of Gorilla Grodd. Solovar was succeeded as ruler of Gorilla City by his nephew Ulgo (a.k.a. the hero Grogamesh).


For a definitive list of appearances of Solovar in chronological order click here