Created by Alfred Bester and Paul Reinman

Solomon Grundy (Cyrus Gold).jpg
Solomon Grundy


Solomon Grundy first appeared in All-American Comics #61 (October 1944).

Below is the definitive list of appearances of Solomon Grundy in chronological order. Flashback sequences or story entries will be followed by a [Flashback] note. Stories that for some reason are no longer part of current continuity will have a comment saying this in a note following the entry.

Follow the links for a complete index of the issue, including story and creator info as well as full character chronology and in some cases story synopses.

The chronology list can also be sorted according to Comic book title. Please note: If you want to go back to the chronological listing after having used the sorting tool you have to reload the page.

To go to the Solomon Grundy (Cyrus Gold) biography click here.

Solomon Grundy Chronology

Click to list by alphabetically by title
All-American Comics #61 (October 1944): "Fighters Never Quit"
Green Lantern: Brightest Day, Blackest Night (2002): [No Title] [Retells portions of All-American Comics #61 with new details]
Comic Cavalcade #13 (winter 1945): "And Then There Was One"
All-Star Comics #33 (February-March 1947): "The Revenge of Solomon Grundy"
Comic Cavalcade #24 (December 1947-January 1948): "The Case of the Withered Flower"
Justice League of America #193/2 (August 1981): "The All-Star Squadron"
All-Star Squadron #1 (September 1981): "The World on Fire"
All-Star Squadron #2 (October 1981): "The Tyrant Out of Time"
All-Star Squadron #3 (November 1981): "The Dooms of Dark December"
Justice Society of America Vol. 1 #1 (April 1991): "Beware the Savage Skies"
Justice Society of America Vol. 1 #2 (May 1991): "The Sack of Gotham"
Justice Society of America Vol. 1 #3 (June 1991): "Dead Air"
Justice Society of America Vol. 1 #4 (July 1991): "Evil of the Ancients"
Justice Society of America Vol. 1 #5 (August 1991): "Double Star Rising"
Justice Society of America Vol. 1 #6 (September 1991): "Danger Flies the Skies"
Justice Society of America Vol. 1 #7 (October 1991): "The Return of the Justice Society"
Justice Society of America Vol. 1 #8 (November 1991): "Battle of the Stars"
Showcase #55 (March-April 1965): "Solomon Grundy Goes on a Rampage"
Starman Vol. 2 #49 (January 1999): "Fighting With Grundy; Talking With David '99" [Flashback]
JLA: Year One #2 (February 1998): "Group Dynamic" [Post-Crisis only]
JLA: Incarnations #1 (July 2001): [No Title]
Justice League of America #46 (August 1966): "Crisis Between Earth-One and Earth-Two"
Justice League of America #47 (September 1966): "The Bridge Between Earths"
Justice League of America #91 (August 1971): "Earth -- The Monster-Maker!"
Justice League of America #92 (September 1971): "Solomon Grundy -- The One and Only!"
Superman Vol. 1 #301 (July 1976): "Solomon Grundy Wins on a Monday"
All-Star Comics #63 (November-December 1976): "The Death of Doctor Fate"
DC Comics Presents #8 (April 1979): "The Sixty Deaths of Solomon Grundy"
Wonder Woman Vol. 1 #271/2 (September 1980): "Into Darkness Once More"
Wonder Woman Vol. 1 #272/2 (October 1980): "The Monster and the Masterpiece"
Wonder Woman Vol. 1 #273/2 (November 1980): "Girl in a Gilded Cage"
Infinity, Inc. #3 (June 1984): "Solomon Grundy Goes Hollywood"
Infinity, Inc. #4 (July 1984): "Origins and Outcasts"
Infinity, Inc. #22 (January 1986): "Uncivil Wars" [Appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #5, pages 7-12]
Infinity, Inc. #23 (February 1986): "Feithera by Stormlight"
Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 (December 1985): "War Zone"
Infinity, Inc. #35 (February 1987): "Beat the Clock!"
Infinity, Inc. #36 (March 1987): "Chaos in Calgary!"
Infinity, Inc. #37 (April 1987): "The Heritage"
Infinity, Inc. #39 (June 1987): "The Saga of Solomon Grundy"
Infinity, Inc. #40 (July 1987): "A Flash of Thunder!"
Infinity, Inc. #42 (September 1987): "Farewell to Fury!"
Infinity, Inc. #44 (November 1987): "In the Midst of Death..."
Swamp Thing Vol. 2 #67 (December 1987): "The Wisdom of Solomon"
Infinity, Inc. #46 (January 1988): "Swamped"
Infinity, Inc. #47 (February 1988): "Outback and Back in Beverly Hills"
Infinity, Inc. #51 (June 1988): "A Death in the Family"
Infinity, Inc. #52 (July 1988): "To Love and Die in L.A."
Infinity, Inc. #53 (August 1988): "Death, When It Must Come..."
Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #4/3 (spring 1993): "Grudge Match"
Batman: Shadow of the Bat #39 (June 1995): "Solomon Grundy: One Night In Slaughter Swamp"
Starman Vol. 2 #10 (August 1995): "The Day Before the Day To Come"
Underworld Unleashed #1 (November 1995): "Underworld Unleashed"
Starman Vol. 2 #13 (November 1995): "Sins of the Child Part II: Ted's Day" [Page 2, panels 5-6]
Starman Vol. 2 #12 (October 1995): "Sins of the Child Part I: Jack's Day (the First Half)" [Pages 4-7]
Starman Vol. 2 #15 (January 1996): "Sins of the Child Part IV: Mikaal's Day" [Page 3, panels 1-4]
Starman Vol. 2 #12 (October 1995): "Sins of the Child Part I: Jack's Day (the First Half)" [Pages 7-9]
Starman Vol. 2 #13 (November 1995): "Sins of the Child Part II: Ted's Day" [Page 4]
Starman Vol. 2 #15 (January 1996): "Sins of the Child Part IV: Mikaal's Day" [Page 3, panel 5 through page 22]
Starman Vol. 2 #16 (February 1996): "Sins of the Child Part V: Jack's Day (the Second Half)"
Starman Vol. 2 #17 (March 1996): "Encounters"
Starman Vol. 2 #32 (July 1997): "Infernal Devices, Part 3"
Starman Vol. 2 #33 (August 1997): "With A Little Help From My Friends"
Starman Vol. 2 #34 (September 1997): "Merry Pranksters"
Starman Vol. 2 #48 (December 1998): "Stars My Destination, Part One: Starman Blues"
Starman Vol. 2 #49 (January 1999): "Fighting With Grundy; Talking With David '99"
Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. #4 (November 1999): "Waking the Dead!"
Starman Vol. 2 #68 (August 2000): "Grand Guignol, Septieme Partie: A Villain's Tale II" [Flashback]
Starman Vol. 2 #64 (April 2000): "Grand Guignol, Troisieme Partie: Fighting With Evil, Talking With David" [flashback]
Starman Vol. 2 #63 (March 2000): "Grand Guignol, Deuxieme Partie: Friends and Lovers"
Starman Vol. 2 #65 (May 2000): "Grand Guignol, Quatrième Partie: Darkness Not of Night"
Starman Vol. 2 #67 (July 2000): "Grand Guignol, Sixieme Partie: Rules of Engagement"
Starman Vol. 2 #68 (August 2000): "Grand Guignol, Septieme Partie: A Villain's Tale II"
Starman Vol. 2 #70 (October 2000): "Grand Guignol, Dixième Partie: The Devil's in the Details"
Starman Vol. 2 #71 (November 2000): "Grand Guignol, Onzième Partie: Evils Old, New and Unexpected"
Joker: Last Laugh #3 (December 2001): "Lunatic Fringe"
JSA #29 (December 2001): "Kids"
Superman Vol. 2 #182 (July 2002): "The Secret, Part One: Dead Men"
JSA #33 (April 2002): "Stealing Thunder Part 1: Wish Fulfillment"
Green Arrow Vol. 3 #17 (November 2002): "The Archer's Quest Chapter Two: Grays of Shade"
Green Arrow Vol. 3 #18 (December 2002): "The Archer's Quest Chapter Three: Grundy No Like Arrows in Face!"
JSA: All Stars #1 (July 2003): "Legacy"
Flash Vol. 2 #209 (June 2004): "Fast Friends"
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #1 (October 2006): "The Tornado's Path, Chapter One: Life" [In shadows]
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #2 (November 2006): "The Tornado's Path, Chapter Two: Tornado-Red / Tornado-Blue" [In shadows]
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #3 (December 2006): "The Tornado's Path, Chapter Three: The Brave & the Bold" [In shadows]
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #4 (January 2007): "The Tornado's Path, Chapter Four: Being Human"
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #5 (February 2007): "The Tornado's Path, Chapter Five: Born Again"
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #6 (March 2007): "The Tornado's Path, Final Chapter: Iron Man"
Salvation Run #3 (March 2008): "All You Need is Hate"
Salvation Run #4 (April 2008): "Life is But a Nightmare"
Salvation Run #5 (May 2008): "Through a Glass Deadly"
Salvation Run #7 (July 2008): "We Gotta Get Out of This Planet"
Trinity #30/2 (February 2009 [December 24, 2008]): "This is What We Need to Know"
Trinity #32/2 (March 2009 [January 7]): "A Better World"
Trinity #34 (March 2009 [January 21]): "The Depth Beyond the Depths"
Trinity #39 (April 2009 [February 25]): "Metropolis"
Trinity #40 (May 2009 [March 4]): "Returned"
Trinity #41 (May 2009 [March 11]): "Our Rightful Realm"