Created by Bill Finger and Bob Brown

The Original Universe


Former Members:
First Appearance: Challengers of the Unknown #51 (August-September 1966): "Smash the Sponge Man - Or Die"
Creators: Bill Finger and Bob Brown


Though widely believed to be a terrorist group with a political agenda, the organization known as Scorpio was in fact a band of mercenaries working for a yet unknown patron. They were well disciplined and equipped with high technology weapons such as the sky stingers, a personal battle craft equipped with hover jets for flight and sonic and energy weapons.

Years ago, Scorpio agents battled the Challengers of the Unknown and the Sea Devils. Scorpio was foiled in an attempt to destroy an undersea military base. -Challengers of the Unknown #51

Later, led by the woman only known as Scoria, the Scorpio organization struck at numerous other federal and military-industrial targets. For months they were pursued by Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), but always managed to evade capture, only to return to strike again. Some seven years ago, Scorpio chose targets in St. Louis, Missouri. As always, Green Lantern appeared to thwart their plans.

On the night of July 4th, Scorpio struck with deadly results. Their employer sent them to destroy the facilities of Argo Technologies and eliminate the scientists working there. They were to capture or destroy the scientists' notes and the prototype of the Argo Harness they were developing. The Argo Harness was a device which could absorb and manipulate energy, transforming it from one form to another. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Forrestal were hoping the Argo Harness would be used as a tool for exploration, but others saw it only as a potential weapon. Scorpio was unable to retrieve the harness.

The arrival of Green Lantern forced Scorpio to abort the mission and return to their base, a cargo ship in the Gulf of Mexico, just past the three mile limit. By remaining in international waters, Scorpio believed they would remain out of United States' jurisdiction.

Green Lantern pursued the fleeing Scorpio agents and engaged them in battle. Scorpio agents had caught Green Lantern in a sonic bombardment and were readying for the kill when a new opponent appeared. Celia Forrestal had been wearing the Argo Harness when Scorpio attacked. She had dug herself out of the rubble to avenge her parents. Using the power of the Argo Harness, Celia Forrestal helped Green Lantern defeat Scorpio. Unbeknownst to the members of Scorpio, Green Lantern had brought their cargo ship back into United States territorial waters. The Scorpio agents were handed over to the U.S. Coast Guard.

Six months after the battle with Scorpio, Celia Forrestal went on to become Skyrocket, the city of St. Louis' local hero.

Scorpio and the agents of Scorpio have not been heard of since their defeat. - Power Company: Skyrocket #1


For a definitive list of appearances of Scorpio in chronological order click here