 RUSALKA (Mashenka Medvienko)BIOGRAPHY
Created by John Ostrander, J.J. Birch and Joe Brozowski


Real Name: Mashenka Medvienko
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Morozko (Igor Medvienko) (brother)
Base of Operation: Russian Federation
Group Affiliation(s): Soyuz
Gender: Female
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light brown
First Appearance: (Mashenka Medvienko): Firestorm, the Nuclear Man #70 (April 1988): "Time Wrecked"
(Rusalka): Firestorm, the Nuclear Man #72 (June 1988): "The Return of the Zuggernaut"
Creators: John Ostrander, J.J. Birch and Joe Brozowski


Mashenka Medvienko is an adolescent Russian mutant who can mentally control water, vapor and ice. Mashenka joined the heroic Soyuz team as Rusalka, taking her name after a water nymph of Russian folklore. Her elder brother, Morozko (Igor Medvienko), is the leader of the group. Rusalka was last seen siding with dozens of other female super-heroes, fighting the minions of Circe.


For a definitive list of appearances of Rusalka in chronological order click here